The one who says, "I'm Rick James, bitch!" like it's new.
Or funny.
Fortunately.... we're not talking about them today....
I haven't watched TV since March... but I have found myself absolutely glued to the progress of Hurricane Katrina, Killer Katrina...
Not so much in Florida, no offense...
But when it first started heading to New Orleans. A city so rich with culture, so full of sin. A gumbo of cultures, overwhelming with violence, and poverty.
The images have been hard on my heart, and I think hard for many of us to just.... watch.
Harder still, it has been for me to witness the blatant racism in the coverage of this terrible tragedy.
Overwhelmingly; white people... are the victims. They are shown as stoic survivors, family oriented, their tales of survival deserving of empathy.
Overwhelmingly... Black Folk are shown as something else.
I refuse to prove this point to you.
The looting has become a popular image. 2 minutes of tape looped into a continuous image, showing those dark savages, STEALING! How dare they???
The poorest of the poor they are. Even without the addition of a natural disaster, these are people who are living in conditions that many, most of us could not even begin to fathom. Yes... in "America"
We are expected to all together come to a consensus. We are to be outraged. To condemn these savage darkies, these primative beasts who wander lawlessly in packs, stealing! Any of those "just left of far-right wing" anchors on "America's News Network" asking, "Isn't THIS the worst thing you have ever seen?"
"What can we do? Can we shoot them?" is the general tone.
And this is , of course.... because white people do not steal.
From Slavery onward, a standard was established.. You will never ever ever hear of Slavery being referred to as the "stealing" of 30 million Africans forcibly.
White people don't steal.
They FIND.
If you don't believe me.... Let the man tell you for himself.
Read his own captions.
One picture becomes a story of survival... another, of lechery.
So.... just remember...
Paris Hilton thinks you are a "stupid nigger"
And the rest of them do, too.