Monday, July 30, 2007

Just say NO to Starbucks

Dear Starbucks Customer,

First and foremost I want to thank you for making Starbucks the $6.4 billion global company it is today, with more than 90,000 employees, 9,700 stores, and 33 million weekly customers. Every latte and macchiato you drink at Starbucks is a contribution to the close alliance between the United States and Israel, in fact it is - as I was assured when being honored with the "Israel 50th Anniversary Friend of Zion Tribute Award" - key to Israel's long-term PR success. Your daily Chocolate Chips Frappucino helps paying for student projects in North America and Israel, presenting them with the badly needed Israeli perspective of the Intifada.

Starbucks, through the Jerusalem Fund of Aish HaTorah, an international network of Jewish education centres, sponsors Israeli military arms fairs in an effort to strengthen the special connection between the American, European and Israeli defense industries and to showcase the newest Israeli innovations in defense. As my contribution to the fight against the global rise of anti-Semitism, the reason behind the current conflict in the Middle-East, I help Aish HaTorah sponsoring the website "" and produce material informing of Israel's side of the story.

Without you, my valued customer, I wouldn't be able to raise hundreds of millions of dollars each year to protect Israeli citizens from terrorist attacks and keep reminding every Jew in America, to defend Israel at any cost. $5 billion per year from the US government are no way near enough to pay for all the weaponry, bulldozers and security fences needed to protect innocent Israeli citizens from anti-Semitic Muslim terrorism. Corporate sponsorships are essential.
Having the bigger picture in mind, Starbucks have donated a store to the US army to help in the "War on Terror". I cannot emphasize enough, how vital the "War on Terror" is for the continued viability and prospering of the Jewish State.

So next time you feel like chilling out at a Starbucks store, please remember that with every cup you drink at Starbucks you are helping with a noble cause.

Howard Schultz
Chairman & Chief Global Strategist
Starbucks Coffee Stores

Let me state that the above letter is a "spoof"
However, just because it's not real, doesn't mean it's not true.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Oh, Obama...

Dear Obama,

You might got the whole world fooled, but you ain't fooling me, baby. Apparently I am the only person in Amerikkka who remembers that you are a politician. Your job is to lie and steal and sneak and make promises that you will never fill. Maybe it's because you're Black, maybe it's because you're young and somewhat studly, but whatever the reason, it makes me hopeful for myself.

For if you, the man who has voted in support of the PATRIOT Act, Volume 2, the man who has voted to INCREASE spending on illegal and immoral wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and on other Colored peoples of the world.... If you can be a serious candidate for President of These United States of America...

My plan for world domination will go way easier than planned.

I will admit, you had me fooled at one time. For a brief moment in your short career, I thought maybe you might be on the "right side" of the issues most of us care about most.

Once, I caught a quote from you that made me stop in my tracks. You said:

"No one is suffering more than the Palestinian people."

I was stuck. Was I going to have to jump on the Obamawagon? Would I have to eat crow? Cuz if any politician was willing to stand up against the powerful Israeli lobby and the Jew-run media, I was gonna have to be on the front lines standing with him.

But... you only stood by that statement for a short time, didn't you? For when you were asked to clarify what you meant, you said this:

"What I said is nobody has suffered more than the Palestinian people from the failure of the Palestinian leadership to recognize Israel, to renounce violence, and to get serious about negotiating peace and security for the region. Israel is the linchpin of much of our efforts in the Middle East."

You suck. I hope your wife cheats on you and gives you an STD that burns every time you pee.

Why do I even pretend to be surprised? Your top campaign contributors THUS FAR include:

UBS Americas $162,200
Exelon Corp $159,800
Goldman Sachs $146,100
Sidley Austin LLP $105,750
Jenner & Block $81,322
Jones, Day et al $76,000
Kirkland & Ellis $72,251
Time Warner $63,300
Williams & Connolly $58,350
Harvard University $57,500
Citigroup Inc $56,000
Credit Suisse Securities $47,500
Skadden, Arps et al $43,550
WilmerHale $41,950
Morgan Stanley $41,850
Level 3 Communications $38,900
Viacom Inc $38,700
Lehman Brothers $38,400
Ariel Capital Management $37,900
Pajcic & Pajcic $36,800

Why do we even pretend to be surprised, Obama baby? All it takes it a few minutes of Google to find out who owns you.

Yes, you are a Black Man, but so is Master Pee, so is Ward Coonerly, so is Jessie Lee Peterson. So are Clarence Thomas and Colin Powell. And none of y'all stand for what I believe in.


2010 Edit

This post hurt my friends' hearts

One person said: "Obama has raised over $58 million to date. In fact, over 258,000 people have donated (some as little as $5). NO candidate ever has had that amount of people supporting them this early in the race."

I said: "Vanilla Ice once had the biggest selling rap album of ALL time.
More people vote for American Idle than for American Elections.
77% (or more) of THIS country supported the illegal invasion of Iraq

Popularity is no indication of quality."

Another: "Smh of all the presidential canidates...and you HAD(as in muhphuka you gotta picc) to choose ONE..who would you choose?

Point being, is there a canidate who has touched you to a point of being more qualified and more suitable for the title? If no one is, and you had no choice but to choose one, who would that one be and why?"

Me: "If at gunpoint, I had to pick a candidate (because I plan to not vote and would encourage others to do the same), I would vote for Dennis Kucinich."

She returns: "Why have you chosen to single out ONE presidential canidate? Where's the comparisons of negativety of each? Or was there one who DOES represent what you believe in?..if not, then why aren't they represented by their own special blog as well?

Or did you feel the need to make a special "stand-out" point with the him because he happened to be born black?

Can I get adleast ONE rebuttaled canidate from the republican side? Or does singling out the black presidential canidate suit your point better?"

 Skillfully, I fire back: "Easy answer.
Because there is no need to compare candidates. There is only ONE candidate that the masses believe is "The Answer" to all of life's problems walking and talking.
If a wack Republican gets into office, people still keep their fire.
If a wack Democrat gets into office, people go to sleep.
Everybody knows that if Hillary is elected she will blow up the world.
People think that Obama is the godchild of Martin Luther King, Jr, and is 1/4 Jesus H. Christ.

Until "we" are willing to stand up against wackism in these DEMONcrats, they will have no reason to improve on the issues we care about. Obama will not pull our well-established military out of the Middle East, Obama will not cut military spending, Obama will not lower our nuclear arsenal, BECAUSE HE HAS NOT VOTED TO DO ANY OF THAT IN HIS TIME IN THE SENATE.

If Obama is somehow elected, it will be like OJ being found not guily, times 100.
And we will be butt-raped while smiling about it.

We need to quit supporting the lesser of evils.
It's still evil."

Somebody else tries to save her: "I happen to think Obama's pretty good on the issues. Read through his website, listened to the podcasts and read quite a few speeches. He's got the right direction for this country. And in the case of igniting a fire under America's apathetic butts, it's certainty a quantifier."

But The Truth Sayer isn't fazed!: "When a President who the people are "inspired" by, but is TERRIBLE on the issues we care about, is elected, Americans go to sleep.
Look at Clinton, everybody liked him, he smoked weed, ate McDonalds, had affairs, all likable stuff in a Prez. BUT, his foreign policy was terrible, and he brought us NAFTA and the end to humane governmental assistance programs.

When you recognize the devil by his talk, his walk, and his actions, the people stay vigilant. "Liberals" and "progressives" are waiting for the day when they can stop caring about this stuff because somebody is taking care of it."

Fun times. I wish I had been wrong, though.