I have two friends who have recently decided to leave their husbands.
Friend one credits me for convincing her to get married, ergo she was wide open for wack dude's advances. It became painfully obvious soon after they were married that dude was a "mark busta". Very casually one day she ended an email with "Pray for me. I am leaving my husband."
Friend two was at one time a close friend of mine. Leading up to the wedding, it seemed as though I was the only one who knew she should not have been getting married to the dude. I carried that weight alone and debated between speaking on it for months. Many times, I came close. In the end, I kept my objections to myself, thinking I was being a "good friend" by just silently supporting her.
I couldn't attend the wedding. There was no way. So in the end, I protested, silently.
Since the wedding, her situation has deteriorated from being uncomfortable to being unbearable, and I feel terrible. I feel as if I had said something, if I had taken the risk, then maybe I could have saved her from this pain. If I had TRULY valued her as much as I say I did, then I should have spoken.
There are two reasons why I said nothing.
1- I don't know if she would have listened. I don't know, but in the coming months, I'm sure we'll discuss and I'll find out.
2- I don't think I wanted to (when it came down to it) bear the weight of being the one to upset her entire world. I've been there a hundred times with the "You need to do better, and you need to do better now" speech, some of y'all have probably gotten one from me... but never when you were picking out wedding dresses.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
In case you had ANY lingering doubts...
Democratic National Convention
August 25-28, 2008
Denver, Colorado
("but obama's not like that. he stands up to the corporations. he stands up to the jews. blah blah blah...")
Friday, July 11, 2008
Who You With?
Mumia Abu-Jamal's recent comments on the upcoming Presidential elections.
Do yourself a favor, listen to the man. The vid runs 5 minutes.
Just listen.
If you've been following Mumia you know that he has ALWAYS been on point. Always.
This is why he is sitting in a jail cell now.
When I post a new blog, over 200 people read it within the first two days.
This continues to astonish me. More on this at a later date.
Most people, I assume, come thru on some, "Lessee what da Truth Sayer is tawmbout now." and leave on some, "Man, I can't stand dat negroe. Why he gotta be hating on (politicians, white people, grown-up crack babies, gays, or dumb entertainers)?"
Say what you think. Be brave.
Is Mumia just hating because he's on death row and Obama is stealing his shine?
Am I hating on Obama because I wish my skin was lite and pretty like his?
I put my opinions out constantly. I'm not afraid to be wrong.
Are you?
Do yourself a favor, listen to the man. The vid runs 5 minutes.
Just listen.
If you've been following Mumia you know that he has ALWAYS been on point. Always.
This is why he is sitting in a jail cell now.
When I post a new blog, over 200 people read it within the first two days.
This continues to astonish me. More on this at a later date.
Most people, I assume, come thru on some, "Lessee what da Truth Sayer is tawmbout now." and leave on some, "Man, I can't stand dat negroe. Why he gotta be hating on (politicians, white people, grown-up crack babies, gays, or dumb entertainers)?"
Say what you think. Be brave.
Is Mumia just hating because he's on death row and Obama is stealing his shine?
Am I hating on Obama because I wish my skin was lite and pretty like his?
I put my opinions out constantly. I'm not afraid to be wrong.
Are you?
Done with the Rebound... now it's time to SCORE!
Today's fun via text messages:
her: are we not speaking or something? Did I do that mystery "thing" again?
me: Did I miss something?
her: U missd me
me: I'm lost for real. Use whole sentences
her: What where u doing last night that u could not call me?
Wooooooooo! But I stayed cool, I stayed cool.
me: I was at work until late. I don't see a missed call that I didn't return, so I'm not understanding the funk.
her: Not funk. Just a question. Why u didn't call me
For those who don't know me well (or at all) the humor of this situation is going to be lost upon you. Nevermind the fact that I don't answer to nobody. Let's say I did.
I'm single. I've been hanging out with Rebound Chick for what, a month?
She's not the only one. In addition, I'm not being real picky right now. I have been using this time to do that whole "socializing" thing. Making sure I still "got it".
Apparently, I do.
Rebound Chick calls me every night. My phone rings at a certain time and I know it's her. She texts me randomly throughout the day. I genuinely like this girl, and if it wasn't for our GLARING MAJOR DIFFERENCES in more than one important area (there are four) I would have no problem wifing her up and being done with this dating nonsense.
Damn standards.
Top this off with the fact that I have never touched this girl. Ever. She gets a hug hello and a hug goodbye. So does my mom. No kisses, no hand holding, nothing that could, on paper, complicate my eventual escape.
If at any time I need to pull this out, I will. But I didn't.
me: I was at work past 2am, that's why.
me: Reverse it- why didn't you call me?
her: Cause I wanted to see if u would call me
Chuckii Booker comes to mind.
And no, not "Turned Away"
There are so many lessons to learn here. And not just on how to get along with me. But I find it fitting that N'Dambi's "Call Me" is playing right now, so I will end now.
Plus I got a real date tomorrow. But don't tell nobody. Shhhh
her: are we not speaking or something? Did I do that mystery "thing" again?
me: Did I miss something?
her: U missd me
me: I'm lost for real. Use whole sentences
her: What where u doing last night that u could not call me?
Wooooooooo! But I stayed cool, I stayed cool.
me: I was at work until late. I don't see a missed call that I didn't return, so I'm not understanding the funk.
her: Not funk. Just a question. Why u didn't call me
For those who don't know me well (or at all) the humor of this situation is going to be lost upon you. Nevermind the fact that I don't answer to nobody. Let's say I did.
I'm single. I've been hanging out with Rebound Chick for what, a month?
She's not the only one. In addition, I'm not being real picky right now. I have been using this time to do that whole "socializing" thing. Making sure I still "got it".
Apparently, I do.
Rebound Chick calls me every night. My phone rings at a certain time and I know it's her. She texts me randomly throughout the day. I genuinely like this girl, and if it wasn't for our GLARING MAJOR DIFFERENCES in more than one important area (there are four) I would have no problem wifing her up and being done with this dating nonsense.
Damn standards.
Top this off with the fact that I have never touched this girl. Ever. She gets a hug hello and a hug goodbye. So does my mom. No kisses, no hand holding, nothing that could, on paper, complicate my eventual escape.
If at any time I need to pull this out, I will. But I didn't.
me: I was at work past 2am, that's why.
me: Reverse it- why didn't you call me?
her: Cause I wanted to see if u would call me
Chuckii Booker comes to mind.
And no, not "Turned Away"
There are so many lessons to learn here. And not just on how to get along with me. But I find it fitting that N'Dambi's "Call Me" is playing right now, so I will end now.
Plus I got a real date tomorrow. But don't tell nobody. Shhhh
Friday, July 4, 2008
Don't Be a Nigger
Nas is one of the most ignorant coons of ever time. I'm not open to arguing this. If you think Nasir is some kind of freedom fighter, some saviour of hip-hop, or BLACK PEOPLE, just leave, because I will hurt your feelings.
When asked why he would title his album "Nigger" the former Nasty Nas said, "Nigga is just a word. I wanna take the sting out of it. I'm a nigga, you a nigga, and if we get more comfortable with it, we take the power out of the word."

The only thing more dangerous than an ignorant ass nigga, is an ignorant ass nigga who thinks that he is enlightened.
These are the same.
Quit being afraid of "missing out".
Don't support Nas.
New and NOT Improved
New and Not Improved
New York Times
Published: July 4, 2008
Senator Barack Obama stirred his legions of supporters, and raised our hopes, promising to change the old order of things. He spoke with passion about breaking out of the partisan mold of bickering and catering to special pleaders, promised to end President Bush's abuses of power and subverting of the Constitution and disowned the big-money power brokers who have corrupted Washington politics.
Now there seems to be a new Barack Obama on the hustings. First, he broke his promise to try to keep both major parties within public-financing limits for the general election. His team explained that, saying he had a grass-roots-based model and that while he was forgoing public money, he also was eschewing gold-plated fund-raisers. These days he's on a high-roller hunt.
Even his own chief money collector, Penny Pritzker, suggests that the magic of $20 donations from the Web was less a matter of principle than of scheduling. "We have not been able to have much of the senator's time during the primaries, so we have had to rely more on the Internet," she explained as she and her team busily scheduled more than a dozen big-ticket events over the next few weeks at which the target price for quality time with the candidate is more than $30,000 per person.
The new Barack Obama has abandoned his vow to filibuster an electronic wiretapping bill if it includes an immunity clause for telecommunications companies that amounts to a sanctioned cover-up of Mr. Bush's unlawful eavesdropping after 9/11.
In January, when he was battling for Super Tuesday votes, Mr. Obama said that the 1978 law requiring warrants for wiretapping, and the special court it created, worked. "We can trace, track down and take out terrorists while ensuring that our actions are subject to vigorous oversight and do not undermine the very laws and freedom that we are fighting to defend," he declared.
Now, he supports the immunity clause as part of what he calls a compromise but actually is a classic, cynical Washington deal that erodes the power of the special court, virtually eliminates "vigorous oversight" and allows more warrantless eavesdropping than ever.
The Barack Obama of the primary season used to brag that he would stand before interest groups and tell them tough truths. The new Mr. Obama tells evangelical Christians that he wants to expand President Bush's policy of funneling public money for social spending to religious-based organizations — a policy that violates the separation of church and state and turns a government function into a charitable donation.
He says he would not allow those groups to discriminate in employment, as Mr. Bush did, which is nice. But the Constitution exists to protect democracy, no matter who is president and how good his intentions may be.
On top of these perplexing shifts in position, we find ourselves disagreeing powerfully with Mr. Obama on two other issues: the death penalty and gun control.
Mr. Obama endorsed the Supreme Court's decision to overturn the District of Columbia's gun-control law. We knew he ascribed to the anti-gun-control groups' misreading of the Constitution as implying an individual right to bear arms. But it was distressing to see him declare that the court provided a guide to "reasonable regulations enacted by local communities to keep their streets safe."
What could be more reasonable than a city restricting handguns, or requiring that firearms be stored in ways that do not present a mortal threat to children?
We were equally distressed by Mr. Obama's criticism of the Supreme Court's barring the death penalty for crimes that do not involve murder.
We are not shocked when a candidate moves to the center for the general election. But Mr. Obama's shifts are striking because he was the candidate who proposed to change the face of politics, the man of passionate convictions who did not play old political games.
There are still vital differences between Mr. Obama and Senator John McCain on issues like the war in Iraq, taxes, health care and Supreme Court nominations. We don't want any "redefining" on these big questions.
This country needs change it can believe in.
2010 Edit: Comments posted:
The Truth Sayer |
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Do I [aka "You Called And Told Me"]
People think that I am manipulative.
To clarify this, I remind that I am a fundraiser. A very good fundraiser. My job entails getting money from people, for nothing in return. More often than not, they will give me far more than they would ever consider.
Persuasive? Yes. Plus, my logic is on point.
So what I say makes sense, yes?
Alright, moving forward.
For those who don't know, I am recently single.
In all honesty, it lasted longer than it should have. Towards the end I found myself having to be very, very, very mean, short, cold, and hard-hearted in order to get the result I wanted.
"Please leave me alone. Please."
I was saying crazy things to her. I don't name call, and I don't curse, but I can still hurt and sting and insult with the best of the best of them. I'm pretty sure I can make the best of them cry and spend months doubting their life and purpose.
So, towards the end, I found myself asking, "Am I saying these things in order for her to leave me alone? Or, am I hoping that she will beg, plead, and promise to change?"
It took some time, but when I realized that no matter what she did, no matter what she said, no matter how she changed or what she promised to do, say or be... she would sickitate me.
So that was it.
Fast forward a month. I hit the rebound HARD. I put feelers out in all directions. I approached women, something I never ever do. But I was by myself, and I didn't really want to be by myself. And I figure that it's easier to find someone that I don't have complete and utter contempt for if I'm picking from 100 than from 10.
So I met Rebound Chick.
Rebound Chick is cool.
Very cool.
She's smart, cute, funny, and she digs me.
Most importantly, she's there.
This is important.
However, Rebound Chick is flawed. We're all flawed, yeah, but, I mean she's flawed in ways that make her GREAT as Rebound Chick, but would disqualify her from ascending to Partner, Girlfriend, Wife...
So.... she is flawed enough that when I am ready to no longer Rebound, I could bust out of the blue and say, "Hey, I'm looking for something more serious. However, I'm gonna have to let you go, because you don't have X or you do too much Y. But it's been nice. Gimme a pound."
But I'm not like that.
The flip side of it, is that most people aren't looking for UNSOLICITED feedback on their lifestyle, opinions, habits, faults, shortcomings, and other things which would make them just not.... right, for a particular situation.
This my friends, is a quandary.
Do I do nothing, say nothing, smile and laugh with her, knowing that soon I'll be removing myself?
OR, do I have the audacity to tell this woman, "Hey, Rebound Chick, I think you're great, this last month has been great. However, if you're thinking of moving this beyond anything more than just some casual outings and playful flirtation (which she has indicated), here is a list of things that will keep us from being compatible."
Either way, I'm an asshole.
So when presented with two bad choices...
Much like with Obama and McCain...
What do I do?
I choose neither.
So far, so good.
To clarify this, I remind that I am a fundraiser. A very good fundraiser. My job entails getting money from people, for nothing in return. More often than not, they will give me far more than they would ever consider.
Persuasive? Yes. Plus, my logic is on point.
So what I say makes sense, yes?
Alright, moving forward.
For those who don't know, I am recently single.
In all honesty, it lasted longer than it should have. Towards the end I found myself having to be very, very, very mean, short, cold, and hard-hearted in order to get the result I wanted.
"Please leave me alone. Please."
I was saying crazy things to her. I don't name call, and I don't curse, but I can still hurt and sting and insult with the best of the best of them. I'm pretty sure I can make the best of them cry and spend months doubting their life and purpose.
So, towards the end, I found myself asking, "Am I saying these things in order for her to leave me alone? Or, am I hoping that she will beg, plead, and promise to change?"
It took some time, but when I realized that no matter what she did, no matter what she said, no matter how she changed or what she promised to do, say or be... she would sickitate me.
So that was it.
Fast forward a month. I hit the rebound HARD. I put feelers out in all directions. I approached women, something I never ever do. But I was by myself, and I didn't really want to be by myself. And I figure that it's easier to find someone that I don't have complete and utter contempt for if I'm picking from 100 than from 10.
So I met Rebound Chick.
Rebound Chick is cool.
Very cool.
She's smart, cute, funny, and she digs me.
Most importantly, she's there.
This is important.
However, Rebound Chick is flawed. We're all flawed, yeah, but, I mean she's flawed in ways that make her GREAT as Rebound Chick, but would disqualify her from ascending to Partner, Girlfriend, Wife...
So.... she is flawed enough that when I am ready to no longer Rebound, I could bust out of the blue and say, "Hey, I'm looking for something more serious. However, I'm gonna have to let you go, because you don't have X or you do too much Y. But it's been nice. Gimme a pound."
But I'm not like that.
The flip side of it, is that most people aren't looking for UNSOLICITED feedback on their lifestyle, opinions, habits, faults, shortcomings, and other things which would make them just not.... right, for a particular situation.
This my friends, is a quandary.
Do I do nothing, say nothing, smile and laugh with her, knowing that soon I'll be removing myself?
OR, do I have the audacity to tell this woman, "Hey, Rebound Chick, I think you're great, this last month has been great. However, if you're thinking of moving this beyond anything more than just some casual outings and playful flirtation (which she has indicated), here is a list of things that will keep us from being compatible."
Either way, I'm an asshole.
So when presented with two bad choices...
Much like with Obama and McCain...
What do I do?
I choose neither.
So far, so good.
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