Sunday, June 5, 2005

A Brief Introduction

People have been asking me to Blog for years.
I don't know why.

It is entirely possible that I despise everything that defines you. Your lame pop music addictions, these *Celebrities* that are marketed SO WELL that you actually adopt them as your own. Who are the "In" *Celebrities* for now? How many will be around in 6 years? Be Honest.

It's probably not a good idea to contact me unless you are willing to challenge yourself, be confronted with your TRUE self, witness your own shortcomings.

It's easy to feel like the *ish* when you are surrounded by retards... But out of your comfort zone, you may have to get an honest look at yourself and see that maybe you are a lot more "Average" than you care to admit.

If you want to run a sample test... ask yourself
A- do I have any tattoos?
B- do I have any body piercings?
("Aw man, Slam, you tripping! What do my chinese tattoo or a tongue ring got to do with being a follower?")
No... this is not 100% for 100% of the people, but look around you, and the practicality of this experiment shouldn't be lost on you. You don't judge a people by the Exceptions.

If we do these things to Individualize ourselves... and EVERYBODY does it, at what point in this procedure do you stop being an Individual, and become a carbon-copy? A sheep. A Follower.


There is a reason why this country is in the shape it's in. There is a reason why Corruption, Dishonesty, Promiscuity, Ignorance, Deviance and Perversion have become accepted as THE NORM.

You are being controlled. You think you are free, you think your opinions are your own, but you are being ruled by your passions by people who understand you better than you understand yourself.
This is why they can steal TWO elections, give BILLIONS to the rich in tax cuts while closing schools, and tell you that the US Military is full of noble souls overseas who are "Fighting for your freedom".

Just give people reality TV, dumbass music, music videos... They will ignore what they know to be true. Get them drunk, get them high, oversex them, dumb them down...

"They wind you up, and then they turn you loose,
Have you thinking that you're totally free,
While they rule from afar, no matter where you are,
They can turn you off and on easily,
They control your emotions,
They channel your devotions,
And put your motivations on pause,
You change your style,
Like you change a dial,
And you never know what hit you because,
They got you moving on Remote Control,
And you don't rule yourself,
Your mind, your body and your soul,
Are being ruled be somebody else,
Remote Control"

"Remote Control " by Hijrah from the album "Time"

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