Monday, October 30, 2006

Rumor and Religion

I have two friends who have become Muslim in the last two months.

Alhamdulillah. All Praise is due to God.

If you know me, you know that I never never ever try to "convert" anyone. Beyond that, I avoid religious conversations when I can. Even though my religion is the most important thing in my life, I am not on any campaign to make it important to anyone. Not even my friends.

I subscribe to the philosophy of Example.

People will buy into you and what you do, what you practice, based on your actions. Not your words. Nobody is open to being convinced that you are right and they are wrong.

People have to see you, observe you, watch you and wonder..... What is it that he has? For me... I know what it is. The reason why I think that I am le bomb is because I pray. I pray when nobody is watching. I pray in the morning, the midday, the afternoon, the evening, and at night.

I stop what I'm doing, and physically bow down to my Lord. On my hands and knees. Out loud and silently. At night, during the day, and before the sun rises.

And it is not lost on me how incredible it is to do so.

So, all my life, people have asked questions when they have been inspired to. And since 9/11, more people have asked, and more people have embraced Islam in my life than ever.

Fortunately, I'm pretty qualified to answer.
Everybody ain't.

One thing that I guess I have gotten used to is how much misinformation there is out there. Not just in Islam, within the Religion, but in Religion in general.

My "new" Muslim friends have asked me questions ranging from spots on clothing to the deification of Prophets.

"So and so told me this, this isn't true?"

And how in the heck could you blame somebody, new to a Religion for believing something that someone who supposedly has been practicing for years has told them?

Religion is supposed to be freeing. An opportunity to grow closer to God, your place in Creation. Your Purpose.

Instead, whether intentionally or not, it's used as an opportunity to inspire guilt trips. To create an imbalance of knowledge vs. need. To create superiority and dependence.

In Christianity... it's no different.

How many so-called Christians cannot explain why they do what they do, or why they believe what they believe?

They just do.

And many are taught from the very beginning, "If you have any doubt, ask GOD to remove it from your heart."

Because Rational Thought is not encouraged.

When Religion has no Thinking behind it, how does it differ from idol worship?

What benefit can it do you? How will it help you to develop and grow?

Idol Worship.

Black People as a community have embraced "Jesus" as Lord and Savior as no other group on this earth has. We have pimped out gospel music, $500,000 crosses, and corner churches in every urban city. Jesus is a fixture in the American Negroe's identity more than GOD is.

Is it unfair to point out that Black People are also at the lowest of any people on this EARTH? Is that unfair to say?

Yes, there are more whites than Negroes living on welfare, and this is a fact that we celebrate. But white folks make up nearly 70 percent of the population of this country, so there will be more of them in everything. We are 13 percent, so we should represent 13 percent, right?

How many of us are living on the rancid breast milk of government sustenance? How many of us are in jail? Cracked out? Absent in the lives of our children?

Everybody is quick to shout out RACISM!

• African Americans account for 56 percent of new HIV infections.
• African Americans account for 66 percent of new HIV infections among 13 to19 year olds.
• Among 20 to 24 year olds, it's only slightly better, with Negroes account for 53 percent of those infected.
• In 2002, 71 percent of all new HIV diagnoses reported in children under the age of 13 were found among African Americans.

No. Sorry.

People wanna talk about how the criminal justice system is racist. And it is.
But is it more powerful than GOD?

And people wanna talk about how it's the white man keeping us down. And he is.
But is he more powerful than GOD?

And, of course, how the mysterious "system" is designed to destroy the Black Family, to emasculate the Black Man, to infiltrate our communities with drugs, rap music, cheap liquor, no education, no jobs and no hope.

And.... it is. This is no accident.

But.... I mean, what plan of what man could be greater than God?

Man plans and Allah Plans, and Allah is BEST of Planners.

Even I can't blame this on Tupac, and I would love to.

Idol worship is killing us. And that which we cling to is that which is weighing us down.

If you put a Christmas tree up in your house, without understanding why... then you are worshipping an idol.
If you can't pray without dhikr beads, then you are worshipping an idol.
If you worship a man, White Jesus or Black Jesus.... and you claim that he is the SON of GOD... without any factual information as to his history, his words (outside of what they tell you the Bible says) or when it was decided that he was God's child... then you are worshipping an idol.

If somebody told you that OJ Simpson was on Oprah licking her toes, wouldn't you go look it up?
If somebody told you that GW Bush called Kanye West "my nigga" wouldn't you want some factual information before you got pissed off?

Sad thing is.... how many community-wide stories circulate now.... Lil Kim's stomach pump, Mary J Blige/Ciara was a man, so-and-so company CEO is a devil worshipper and my friend saw it on Oprah/Montel/Maury.

Only Niggers could make Religion out of Rumor.

And it is killing us.

"The white man would never have let us from slavery unless he knew that it worked!" - Imam Qasim Ahmed, Eid-ul Fitr.

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