I took these pictures while leaving my office in Berkeley this afternoon.
It wasn't until people noticed me taking pictures of the sky that they, too, began looking up and wondering.... What the f@$ is that?
"Chemtrails," I said. "Damn Chemtrails."
An older white dude quickly said, "It's just condensation, probably from a low flying airplane."
I asked him if he knew what Chemtrails were. He, being the white man that he was, decided to correct my broken Black english.
"Contrails. They're called contrails."
"Oh," I said to Mr. White Man. This was going to be fun, AND, I had an audience. "So that's from condensation?"
He agreed. Good.
"Mr White Man," I said. "That looks pretty low to me, (and you can judge from the pictures above) are regular ol' planes allowed to fly that low above major cities with all this 9/11 stuff going on?" Saying 9/11 obviously kept the audience interested in our exchange.
I continued. "And... it's gotta be over 90 degrees today. Would these be the ideal weather conditions for condensation to occur on a plane, in your opinion? Especially one flying so close to the ground?"
If I wasn't already so tall, I would have stepped onto a soapbox.
"Those are Chemtrails, people. Those are intentional sprayings. Just like farmers spray DDT or whatever pesticides over their crops, the gubment is spraying us too. Just thought you should know."
I told the 4 people who wanted more information what I will now tell you, dear reader.
Whether you believe it or not, the gubment/military spends billions of dollars each year on some creepy shit. Mind control/psi-ops, propaganda, futuristic weapons, rap music, focus groups and market research for selling wars, and.... weather control.
"Whether" you believe in it or not.
I don't wanna get all preachy, but here are the basics on Chemtrails.
(From Chemtrail Central)
You don't have to believe in it.
I bet when they first found Flouride in tap water, nobody believed it either.
Then they straight up found chloroform, arsenic, copper and nitrates in it.
NOW the big news is prescription drug residue in our tap water.
If you chose not to read the news, you could say, "I don't believe it." and dismiss it, just that easily.
But it would still be there.
Wanna know more.
To start: just Google words like Chemtrails, see what comes up.
Then, try HAARP. You'd be amazed.
Youtube also has a number of videos, if you're interested in finding out just what (might be) out there.
The white people who committed the most violent, heinous, unnatural atrocities against mankind...
They had kids.
Never underestimate them.
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