Friday, February 17, 2006

This week.

I don't think I have EVER been more glad to see a week end.

I'm not a Valentine's Day fan, everyone either knows or can guess that... But when Valentine's Day 2006 is the day that you experience a major break-up... Ugh, it sucks.
A day that I put effort into carrying no emotional significance, now will have an asterisk next to it.

Umm.... How can you break up with somebody that you are not even with?

A great question, but one I am not even going to pretend to have the energy or will to try to begin to explain.

So this week has been a struggle. I would have preferred to lie in bed...

That's not the reality of my life.

So I have had to force myself to remain The Rock upon whom many lean.

But even I get tired. And even sick. Sometimes sick and tired (because I am Black.)

So, Thursday night, when my week FINALLY ended. I just sat...

One thing about feeling like this, there are benefits.

I have been inspired to write and write and write...

So yeah, I feel as though I have lost my best friend.
Because I have.

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