Tuesday, September 12, 2006

They All Come Back

Completely by accident (there are no accidents) I ran into my "ex" while in LA.

To say the least, this woman has always had some kind of power over me, from day one.

We ended on bad terms, terms so bad they sparked my temporary return to the Spoken Word scene. And more than once she has tried to contact me, to apologize, to make amends, to clear the slate, and in very typical Jabir fashion she got nowhere.

Cuz once I'm done, I'm done.

However, if you know me, you know that I only date ex-girlfriends. It's like a rule. An oft-repeating sitcom with only 5 episodes in its history.

There's a reason why we're not together, but I have no desire to explain myself to any new person.

So you win by default. At least temporarily.

Anyways, she walked up to me at the African Marketplace and I didn't even recognize her... Gone is the short, curly natural, and these are the days of the blond/brown madwoman streaks.

But those eyes... Those eyes...

So seeing her again brought me right back into her control. At least temporarily.

"Remember what she said to you!" my left brain whispered.
"Why you trying to bring up old stuff?" my right brain shouted.

Anyways.... we've spoken briefly every day since then. But it's... different.

On Day One... I almost didn't drive back from LA to Oakland
On Day Ten... I hear my own voice floating in the background when she speaks.

"They all come back"
Or at least they try.

Unfortunately for most, I am now neck deep in World Domination mode.

And my primary thought  is, Will you help me raise my scholars, scientists, philosophers, teachers, revolutionaries, writers, beautiful brown Kings and Queens and Princes and Princesses... Muslims. Servants of God, the Most High?

Or will I have to fight with you on why my children will not watch Flavor of Love?

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