Sunday, September 10, 2006

Lies of 9/11

Flight 93 crashed because passengers bumrushed the cockpit. It was not shot down.

The Twin Towers collapsed because of the extreme heat of jet fuel... melting the steel rods and bringing these two buildings down upon themselves.

There were no explosives planted in the Twin Towers.

Commuter planes crashed into the Twin Towers. Even though both video and eyewitness accounts contradict this fact.

The planes were flown by Muslims/Arabs, supposedly trained at US amateur flight schools. Even though these so-called "terrorists" may still be alive around the globe, it was them because CNN said it was.

These horrible terrorists who hate America and our freedom, took over the planes armed with box cutters.

No group of people were contacted in advance and told to stay away from their jobs in the Towers on that morning.

If there were a group of people who MAY have been told to stay home on that day, they most certainly were not Jews.

The entire 9/11 attack was coordinated using low-technology, from a cave in Afghanistan. No cell phones, no laptops, no fax machines.

There is no connection between Israel, the Mossad, and the 9/11 attacks.

On October 11, 2001, a terrorist bomb plot against the Mexican Parliament WAS foiled, and YES, the people arrested with C-4 (plastic explosives) MAY have been Zionists (a Jew and a Mossad agent), but this has NOTHING to do with terrorism and is in NO WAY connected to the overarching plan of 9/11.

And in December of 2001, two Jewish terrorists may have been arrestedfor trying to carry out a similar plan to bomb the office of a California ARAB Congressman and a Mosque, but this also has NOTHING to do with terrorism.

The fact that both of these stories appeared in the news and QUICKLY disappeared is not important.

The attacks on 9/11 have not benefited weapons manufacturing companies, NOR oil companies. Neither ones have seen record profits in the last 5 years.

Since the attacks of 9/11, and since the America's response, titled, "The War on Terror" there is considerably less terrorist violence around the globe.

Since "The War on Terror" began, American's are safer, both here and abroad, thanks to America's swift and just response.

On the five year anniversary of 9/11, you should help to perpetuate the offical story of what happened. And under no circumstance should you doubt for ONE SECOND what you have told, because it's disrespectful to the victims and their families, and also, because it helps the terrorists.

And you don't support the terrorists, do you?

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