Memo to young black men: Please grow up
by Stanley Crouch
Last week, I was in a studio in midtown where a popular program for black youths was being filmed. I found myself surrounded by black men, ages 18 to 35, and I was appalled.
As a father with a daughter nearly 30 years old who has never been close to marrying anyone, I was once more struck by what my offspring describes as "a lack of suitable men." She has complained often about the adolescent tendencies of young black men, as will just about any young black woman when the subject comes up.
Those who believe that America is perpetually adolescent will point at the dominance of frat-boy attitudes among successful white men and will say of the black hip-hop generation, "So what? How could they not be adolescent? They are not surrounded by examples of celebrated maturity. The society worships movie stars, wealthy athletes and talk show hosts. These are not the wisest and most mature of people."
There is more than a little bit right about that. Our culture has been overwhelmed by the adolescent cult of rebellion that emerges in a particularly stunted way from the world of rock 'n' roll. That simpleminded sense of rebelling against authority descended even further when hip hop fell upon us from the bottom of the cultural slop bucket in which punk rock curdled.
Hip hop began as some sort of Afro protest doggerel and was very quickly taken over by the gangster rappers, who emphasized the crudest materialism in which the ultimate goal was money and it did not matter how one got it. The street thug, the gang member, the drug dealer and the pimp became icons of sensibility and success. Then the attitudes of pimps took a high position and the pornographic version of hip hop in which women become indistinguishable bitches and hos made a full-court press on the rap "aesthetic."
At the television studio, as I watched and listened to those young men, each of whom seemed to be auditioning for a lifelong part as a "man-child," I discussed this phenomenon with a black woman in her 40s who is a writer.
She had worked for rap magazines, magazines that had focused on black women and in black television. Her analysis was quite direct and could be profoundly true. Her profession and being the mother of a teenage daughter has made her pay close attention and forced her to give these issues a good deal of thought.
The way she understood it was that these young black men do not see growing up as having any advantages to it. One is either current or old-fashioned and outdated. The only success they think they can believe in is had by either athletes or rappers. Young black men. So they hold on to adolescence and adolescent ways as long as they can.
The writer also said, "I am sure many knew of Ed Bradley but they did not identify with him. He was too sophisticated. They identify with the overgrown boy, who is everywhere and who is getting over. He's got a lot of cash, plenty of girls, lots of jewelry, an expensive car. To them, that's the world. Or it's the world they want to be a part of."
So what can be done to make adulthood seem attractive to these young black men?
Good question.
From one end of the country to the other, adults sleep in the street for nights on end as though they are homeless in order to have choice places in line when PlayStations go on sale. That alone gives us more than an indication of how great a problem we find ourselves facing.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
It all started with one innocent picture....
This one.
Seriously. I'm running on intolerant mode lately and I do attack viciously when provoked.
While I'm not a "hacker" per se, I do have some fairly remarkable skills when needed. I'm not convinced dude on this page is Black to begin with, but if he's a friend of yours, let him know he has 24 hours to issue an apology for disturbing me, or I will..... make things very entertaining for my Myspace audience.
From: | |
Date: | Nov 28 2006 9:54 PM |
Subject: | No Subject |
Body: | Only a fool would do what you are doing - To Disgrace Malcolm and use the "n" word is a crime. You need to cease the madness |
Please ignore me from now on.
He continues...
From: | |
Date: | Nov 28 2006 9:59 PM |
Subject: | No Subject |
Body: | Why in the hell did you replace Dr. King's photo to perpetrate your madness - you are a disgrace to the race and need to stop the madness. Our People need genuine Revolutionaries dedicated to bringing about a better quality of life free from exploitation and oppression not blood suckers who are doing the bidding for the enemy... |
Hmmm, so I simply reply with a...
Seriously, sir.
Ignore me. It's better for you.
I, like most of MySpace it seems, have absolutely no interest in exchanging with you.
I know... but seriously, read dude's page. It's not THAT low of a blow.
And, as I expected, it frustrated our new homosexual stalker.
From: | |
Date: | Nov 28 2006 10:05 PM |
Subject: | RE: RE: No Subject |
From: | |
Date: | Nov 28 2006 10:08 PM |
Subject: | You're an Enemy of AFRIKAN PEOPLE |
Body: | Oh hell no we are not gonna ignore you rather we are gonna declare WAR because we love Malcolm and won't allow low life scum like you to degrade him so you are warned to change tha photo or suffer the consequences of our campaign to Smash you |
To smash me? Dude, my page is private. He can't even see my page!!!
From: | |
Date: | Nov 28 2006 10:22 PM |
Body: | Oh Hell No we won't ignore your confusion.You have been warned and if you don't heed our call we will do everything to crush you. We Love Malcolm and will do everything we can to expose haters like you. We advise you to cease and desist the usage and manipulation of the Malcolm X - Dr. King photo. We are prepare to launch a campaign to expose, crush and bury you. Please don't take what we are saying light because you don't understand how much we love Malcolm. We are Malcolm's soldiers and we stand ready to defend him against low life scum like yourself who are mere opportunist spreading confusion. |
The moral of the story is, if you know dude, you should holler at him.
I'm a nice guy, a fun guy. Life of the party when I want to be.
Ask around.
But I don't respond well to threats.
I will find his personal information.
I will post it all over every area of the internet. Especially the gay part.
He will have to change his phone number, address, and occupation. Maybe his name.
I look forward to it.
So holler at your homeboy if you know him.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
"The N Word"
They now want to ban the n-word.
How about a ban on rape?
Or black-on-black crime?
Oops, I forgot, according to the Black Intelligencia, as declared in 1995, there is no such thing as black-on-black crime. We were stupid for buying into that "creation of the racist white media."
I don't allow anyone to call me one.
And as many have noticed, I use the word, but only when referring to one.
I don't think it's the root of our problems. I think ignorance is. And pride in ignorance. And a lack of manhood. And no fathers. And no understanding of history. And drugs. And alcohol. And malt liquor. And misogyny. And self-hate. And Kanye West, Gay-Z, Snoop, Method Man, Clear Channel, The Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines.
And Jesus. Not the real Jesus, but the Santa Claus-like idol the white man has created.
Our problems are bigger than niggers.
Black people FEAR and LOVE the white man more than we fear and love ourselves.
You doubt me?
Black people will kill black people over a stepped on shoe, looking at somebody "the wrong way", talking about them on a rap record, or an inadvertant bump in a crowded nightclub.
In my West Oakland neighborhood, I witness the violence firsthand. The hatred, jealousy, and despair that too often ends in murder.
But no matter how desperate... these same seemingly "savage" negroes would never and WILL NEVER allow their violence to spread to the white folk who live so peacefully in this violent neighborhood.
You can call a nigga a King.
He's still a nigga.
You can call a nigga a Black Man, a GOD (God forbid), divine, Asiatic, whatever.
He will still rob, beat, rape and kill a Black Woman. He'll break into your car while you sleep. He'll deny his children. He will fuck anything with a hole. He'll get high before he gets free.
You can be mad at me if you want to.
Or we can get over these damn dumb labels.
Poetry spots are filled with niggas. Dreadlocks, Red/Black/Green, incense burning, revolutionary jive talking coons.
It don't matter if you call him Trayvon Watkins or T'Shaka Rasool Azerbaijan.
White folks have a creepy, scary, wonderful way of getting us caught up with labels over content.
They have been SO successful, I can not help but to admire it. It's like rooting for the bad guy in a movie. If he's stylish, devious, and ridiculously successful, how can you not root for Darth Vader, Severus Snape or Lex Luther? (Gene Hackman, not Kevin Spacey's bullcrap performance in that piece of crap moviefilm.)
White folks have manged in the last 20 years to make slavery BLACK PEOPLE'S FAULT. Do I lie?
Slavery now, in college courses, talk radio and internet blogs was now caused by warring, savage, darkie tribes. THEY are the ones who caught, captured, and sold "their own people" into bondage. Do I lie?
If we have our way, Michael Richards will be found guilty in the court of public opinion of being a..... racist.
If found guilty, he will be the first known racist in America since George Wallace in 1963.
How about a ban on rape?
Or black-on-black crime?
Oops, I forgot, according to the Black Intelligencia, as declared in 1995, there is no such thing as black-on-black crime. We were stupid for buying into that "creation of the racist white media."
I don't allow anyone to call me one.
And as many have noticed, I use the word, but only when referring to one.
I don't think it's the root of our problems. I think ignorance is. And pride in ignorance. And a lack of manhood. And no fathers. And no understanding of history. And drugs. And alcohol. And malt liquor. And misogyny. And self-hate. And Kanye West, Gay-Z, Snoop, Method Man, Clear Channel, The Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines.
And Jesus. Not the real Jesus, but the Santa Claus-like idol the white man has created.
Our problems are bigger than niggers.
Black people FEAR and LOVE the white man more than we fear and love ourselves.
You doubt me?
Black people will kill black people over a stepped on shoe, looking at somebody "the wrong way", talking about them on a rap record, or an inadvertant bump in a crowded nightclub.
In my West Oakland neighborhood, I witness the violence firsthand. The hatred, jealousy, and despair that too often ends in murder.
But no matter how desperate... these same seemingly "savage" negroes would never and WILL NEVER allow their violence to spread to the white folk who live so peacefully in this violent neighborhood.
You can call a nigga a King.
He's still a nigga.
You can call a nigga a Black Man, a GOD (God forbid), divine, Asiatic, whatever.
He will still rob, beat, rape and kill a Black Woman. He'll break into your car while you sleep. He'll deny his children. He will fuck anything with a hole. He'll get high before he gets free.
You can be mad at me if you want to.
Or we can get over these damn dumb labels.
Poetry spots are filled with niggas. Dreadlocks, Red/Black/Green, incense burning, revolutionary jive talking coons.
It don't matter if you call him Trayvon Watkins or T'Shaka Rasool Azerbaijan.
White folks have a creepy, scary, wonderful way of getting us caught up with labels over content.
They have been SO successful, I can not help but to admire it. It's like rooting for the bad guy in a movie. If he's stylish, devious, and ridiculously successful, how can you not root for Darth Vader, Severus Snape or Lex Luther? (Gene Hackman, not Kevin Spacey's bullcrap performance in that piece of crap moviefilm.)
White folks have manged in the last 20 years to make slavery BLACK PEOPLE'S FAULT. Do I lie?
Slavery now, in college courses, talk radio and internet blogs was now caused by warring, savage, darkie tribes. THEY are the ones who caught, captured, and sold "their own people" into bondage. Do I lie?
If we have our way, Michael Richards will be found guilty in the court of public opinion of being a..... racist.
If found guilty, he will be the first known racist in America since George Wallace in 1963.
Friday, November 24, 2006
Monday, November 13, 2006
On Voting II
In this country.... 51% of the vote gets 100% of the power.
That is not a Democracy.
Remember that.
Instead of always trying to fight people into buying into a broken system.
Maybe we should take that energy and fight this crooked system.
That is not a Democracy.
Remember that.
Instead of always trying to fight people into buying into a broken system.
Maybe we should take that energy and fight this crooked system.
The Bad Guy
So... the other night, at dinner, JLa, my ace, says to Nineveh, "That's my plan for you. That's what I want to help you develop over the next year."
I stopped mid-burrito. Stunned.
You mean I am not the only person who puts together development plans for people? You mean there is somebody else who sizes people up and says, "This is what you need to get where you need to be"?
I asked her at least five times, "what are you talking about?" just to be sure that I was witnessing what I thought I was.
I'm not the only one.
I've been doing it for years, most often with Black Women, but every once in awhile putting together a personal development plan for a Black Man when I can.
Most times, you can't tell people. Nin is the first person I have ever heard say, "I am just pleased that you care enough about me to help me grow."
Most people ain't like that.
So you have to be covert. You have to disguise lessons as experience. Asking questions instead giving answers. Allowing people to come to the conclusions that you already know they should.
For me.... as a man, dealing with women in this way, it often makes me The Bad Guy.
People ask, "Man, what did you do to her?" when they learn of the *interesting* reactions many women in my life, what am I supposed to say?
"I fixed her. And she liked it."
Far too arrogant sounding, regardless of how accurate it may or may not be.
So I don't even tell people 90% of the crazy stuff that happens. For it always seems to make ME look bad.
In the last year, I actually kinda retired, deciding to focus on myself rather than developing self-esteem, pride, consciousness, God-Consciousness, discipline into grown folks.
But sometimes.... it is better to help someone and be The Bad Guy than it would be to leave her alone.
And I am in that situation now.
I met somebody a couple o' weeks ago. Gorgeous Sista, couple of degrees, good job, intelligent, funny, etc...
In my mind, I was half thinking she was too good to be true, and half thinking that maybe, possibly I had finally met HER.
The other night, our first conversation set me straight.
We talked for hours, about everything: politics, white folk, Black Folk, music, TV, mind control, racism, sushi, blue colors......
And if the conversation had ended at 11pm instead of 11:30, maybe things would be different right now.
But she said too much.
I asked her, innocently, what makes her such the incredible catch she bragged on being. Her reply:
"Because I'm really good in bed."
I waited for laughter that was not going to come.
But, I'm also an intellectual gangsta, so I recover in nanoseconds.
"How exactly do you know this, young lady?" I asked, with an intentional flirtatious hint in my tone.
"Everybody who has slept with me has said so."
"'Everybody?' Don't you mean 'the people' or preferably 'the one person or two people who have been special enough to find out'?"
"No... I mean everybody. Without exception, each and every one."
Nobody knows I'm a virgin. I guess I don't look like one. Or talk like one. It's amazing how often this plays into my favor.
My ex is still mad at me. She says I should tell people upfront. I feel like women should tell me they are promiscuous upfront.
Not my best pick up line.
(Not that I have ever used one anyways.)
I prefer to create a space where people are comfortable to tell me who they really are.
Sometimes, it leads to numerous people in Philadelphia telling me that Them Franchise Boys are in town if I'm interested.
Other times, it allows a woman to open up and tell me that in college she considered abstinence, but came to the conclusion that, "If they didn't sleep with me, they were going to sleep with somebody else."
Anyways... any romantic possibilities are now gone. She doesn't know.
If I told her, she'd be OFFended and DEFensive.
And I want her to get something from me. Cuz that's how I am.
So this is how it will go. We'll go out, eat good food, have good conversations and shared experiences. I'll ask some questions, drop some hints, make some points.
I will be exactly who she thinks I am.
At some point, on some night, she will make the discovery.
"A virgin?"
"But.... you look so... normal!"
"And you act so confident!"
And she'll feel kinda rejected at first, and then curious.
And after a couple of weeks, a few more conversations, my work will be done.
And I will be gone.
If a man can convince a woman to stand on the corner and sell her body for him... why can't a man do the opposite?
If it's all about the Gift of Gab, to convince a woman that she is worthless, to "break her down" as the pimps say...
Why should it be any different to build her up? To convice her that she is priceless? It's not.
I've been doing it for years. I am a manipulator, this is what I do.
Of course, there are consequences. I accept them.
She'll be mad at me for not wanting to be with her, especially after she comes to a major lifestyle change. She won't realize that she is not changing for me, she's changing for herself. Not at first.
I'll be The Bad Guy.
For a little while at least.
I'm not wrong, I'm not mean. I'm not using her. I would much rather just disappear now and concentrate on what I want to concentrate on.
But... Change.
What helps people change and grow and mature?
Who helps people change and grow and mature?
I ain't preaching to nobody about right and wrong. I only offer advice to people close to me....
For the world, I'm content to just be an Example.
Tangible, Realistic, and Attainable.
For men.... sometimes you have to be somebody that they want to be.
But for women.... sometimes you have to be someone they want.
2010 Edit
It took me a lot of time and flashing back and flux capacitating to even remember who the "subject" of this was. UNBELIEVABLE when I think about how things worked out. Man plans. Allah Plans.
Allah is the Best of Planners.
Ask about it.
You mean I am not the only person who puts together development plans for people? You mean there is somebody else who sizes people up and says, "This is what you need to get where you need to be"?
I asked her at least five times, "what are you talking about?" just to be sure that I was witnessing what I thought I was.
I'm not the only one.
I've been doing it for years, most often with Black Women, but every once in awhile putting together a personal development plan for a Black Man when I can.
Most times, you can't tell people. Nin is the first person I have ever heard say, "I am just pleased that you care enough about me to help me grow."
Most people ain't like that.
So you have to be covert. You have to disguise lessons as experience. Asking questions instead giving answers. Allowing people to come to the conclusions that you already know they should.
For me.... as a man, dealing with women in this way, it often makes me The Bad Guy.
People ask, "Man, what did you do to her?" when they learn of the *interesting* reactions many women in my life, what am I supposed to say?
"I fixed her. And she liked it."
Far too arrogant sounding, regardless of how accurate it may or may not be.
So I don't even tell people 90% of the crazy stuff that happens. For it always seems to make ME look bad.
In the last year, I actually kinda retired, deciding to focus on myself rather than developing self-esteem, pride, consciousness, God-Consciousness, discipline into grown folks.
But sometimes.... it is better to help someone and be The Bad Guy than it would be to leave her alone.
And I am in that situation now.
I met somebody a couple o' weeks ago. Gorgeous Sista, couple of degrees, good job, intelligent, funny, etc...
In my mind, I was half thinking she was too good to be true, and half thinking that maybe, possibly I had finally met HER.
The other night, our first conversation set me straight.
We talked for hours, about everything: politics, white folk, Black Folk, music, TV, mind control, racism, sushi, blue colors......
And if the conversation had ended at 11pm instead of 11:30, maybe things would be different right now.
But she said too much.
I asked her, innocently, what makes her such the incredible catch she bragged on being. Her reply:
"Because I'm really good in bed."
I waited for laughter that was not going to come.
But, I'm also an intellectual gangsta, so I recover in nanoseconds.
"How exactly do you know this, young lady?" I asked, with an intentional flirtatious hint in my tone.
"Everybody who has slept with me has said so."
"'Everybody?' Don't you mean 'the people' or preferably 'the one person or two people who have been special enough to find out'?"
"No... I mean everybody. Without exception, each and every one."
Nobody knows I'm a virgin. I guess I don't look like one. Or talk like one. It's amazing how often this plays into my favor.
My ex is still mad at me. She says I should tell people upfront. I feel like women should tell me they are promiscuous upfront.
"Hi, I'm Jabir. I'm a Pisces, I like the funk band Cameo, reading, playing Scrabble, and you will never have sex with me."
Not my best pick up line.
(Not that I have ever used one anyways.)
I prefer to create a space where people are comfortable to tell me who they really are.
Sometimes, it leads to numerous people in Philadelphia telling me that Them Franchise Boys are in town if I'm interested.
Other times, it allows a woman to open up and tell me that in college she considered abstinence, but came to the conclusion that, "If they didn't sleep with me, they were going to sleep with somebody else."
Anyways... any romantic possibilities are now gone. She doesn't know.
If I told her, she'd be OFFended and DEFensive.
And I want her to get something from me. Cuz that's how I am.
So this is how it will go. We'll go out, eat good food, have good conversations and shared experiences. I'll ask some questions, drop some hints, make some points.
I will be exactly who she thinks I am.
At some point, on some night, she will make the discovery.
"A virgin?"
"But.... you look so... normal!"
"And you act so confident!"
And she'll feel kinda rejected at first, and then curious.
And after a couple of weeks, a few more conversations, my work will be done.
And I will be gone.
If a man can convince a woman to stand on the corner and sell her body for him... why can't a man do the opposite?
If it's all about the Gift of Gab, to convince a woman that she is worthless, to "break her down" as the pimps say...
Why should it be any different to build her up? To convice her that she is priceless? It's not.
I've been doing it for years. I am a manipulator, this is what I do.
Of course, there are consequences. I accept them.
She'll be mad at me for not wanting to be with her, especially after she comes to a major lifestyle change. She won't realize that she is not changing for me, she's changing for herself. Not at first.
I'll be The Bad Guy.
For a little while at least.
I'm not wrong, I'm not mean. I'm not using her. I would much rather just disappear now and concentrate on what I want to concentrate on.
But... Change.
What helps people change and grow and mature?
Who helps people change and grow and mature?
I ain't preaching to nobody about right and wrong. I only offer advice to people close to me....
For the world, I'm content to just be an Example.
Tangible, Realistic, and Attainable.
For men.... sometimes you have to be somebody that they want to be.
But for women.... sometimes you have to be someone they want.
2010 Edit
It took me a lot of time and flashing back and flux capacitating to even remember who the "subject" of this was. UNBELIEVABLE when I think about how things worked out. Man plans. Allah Plans.
Allah is the Best of Planners.
Ask about it.
Wednesday, November 8, 2006
On Voting
I wrote this letter to a friend and figured I could share it with y'all.
She emailed me, complaining that none in her circle would vote, and she asked if I had any advice on what to say to them.
My response:
I voted.
Yes, I did. I always vote. Primary, whatever, I always vote.
However... I don't think not voting is the worst thing that somebody can do. Seriously. Voting in this country means at best, picking the worst of two evils, and it is impossible to motivate or be motivated from that point. I think "we" need to really figure out why so many of "us" do not vote.
Most people believe that voting doesn't change anything. Are they wrong?
Democrats won the House and could win the Senate. Is life now going to get easier for Black People? Are there going to be fewer murders in Oakland? More jobs? Hell, are we going to stop killing brown people around the world? No.
The same Democrats who are in "power" now are the ones who approved and validated every one of Bush's moves. Patriot Acts, 2 public wars and 3 silent ones, military budget, Black Child Left Behind. Nothing is going to change.
Yes, I think it's very trifling to not vote, on GP. But the majority of Americans don't.
Maybe they know something that we refuse to admit.
She emailed me, complaining that none in her circle would vote, and she asked if I had any advice on what to say to them.
My response:
I voted.
Yes, I did. I always vote. Primary, whatever, I always vote.
However... I don't think not voting is the worst thing that somebody can do. Seriously. Voting in this country means at best, picking the worst of two evils, and it is impossible to motivate or be motivated from that point. I think "we" need to really figure out why so many of "us" do not vote.
Most people believe that voting doesn't change anything. Are they wrong?
Democrats won the House and could win the Senate. Is life now going to get easier for Black People? Are there going to be fewer murders in Oakland? More jobs? Hell, are we going to stop killing brown people around the world? No.
The same Democrats who are in "power" now are the ones who approved and validated every one of Bush's moves. Patriot Acts, 2 public wars and 3 silent ones, military budget, Black Child Left Behind. Nothing is going to change.
Yes, I think it's very trifling to not vote, on GP. But the majority of Americans don't.
Maybe they know something that we refuse to admit.
Friday, November 3, 2006
If y'all don't hear from me after tonight...
It is because I DIED of LAUGHTER at the movies TONIGHT.
Jamese and I are going to see "Borat" and it's already looking like a bad move for my health. I have been laughing out loud for no reason for the last 24 hours. I know that when the lights go down I am going to start shaking and giggling uncontrollably... this is a recipe for disaster.
Or as Jamese put it, this is a "double underwear film."
The rules have already been established. No eating before the film, visit the restroom as frequently as possible before it starts... and this may be the first movie that I don't bring $15 dollars in gobstoppers, pumpkin seeds, york peppermint patties, reese's peanut butter cups and nerds to. I do not want to die.
I've been a big fan of Ali G since he got a show on HBO, he's hilarious as Ali G, and ridiculous as Bruno, but BORAT has gained a special place in my life.
If you're not hip, or if you're just not ready, here are some clips of my man in action. Remember, he's hilarious enough on his own, but what makes it 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 times funnier is the fact that nobody knows it's a character. It's not scripted.
Jamese and I are going to see "Borat" and it's already looking like a bad move for my health. I have been laughing out loud for no reason for the last 24 hours. I know that when the lights go down I am going to start shaking and giggling uncontrollably... this is a recipe for disaster.
Or as Jamese put it, this is a "double underwear film."
The rules have already been established. No eating before the film, visit the restroom as frequently as possible before it starts... and this may be the first movie that I don't bring $15 dollars in gobstoppers, pumpkin seeds, york peppermint patties, reese's peanut butter cups and nerds to. I do not want to die.
I've been a big fan of Ali G since he got a show on HBO, he's hilarious as Ali G, and ridiculous as Bruno, but BORAT has gained a special place in my life.
If you're not hip, or if you're just not ready, here are some clips of my man in action. Remember, he's hilarious enough on his own, but what makes it 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 times funnier is the fact that nobody knows it's a character. It's not scripted.
Monday, October 30, 2006
Rumor and Religion
I have two friends who have become Muslim in the last two months.
Alhamdulillah. All Praise is due to God.
If you know me, you know that I never never ever try to "convert" anyone. Beyond that, I avoid religious conversations when I can. Even though my religion is the most important thing in my life, I am not on any campaign to make it important to anyone. Not even my friends.
I subscribe to the philosophy of Example.
People will buy into you and what you do, what you practice, based on your actions. Not your words. Nobody is open to being convinced that you are right and they are wrong.
People have to see you, observe you, watch you and wonder..... What is it that he has? For me... I know what it is. The reason why I think that I am le bomb is because I pray. I pray when nobody is watching. I pray in the morning, the midday, the afternoon, the evening, and at night.
I stop what I'm doing, and physically bow down to my Lord. On my hands and knees. Out loud and silently. At night, during the day, and before the sun rises.
And it is not lost on me how incredible it is to do so.
So, all my life, people have asked questions when they have been inspired to. And since 9/11, more people have asked, and more people have embraced Islam in my life than ever.
Fortunately, I'm pretty qualified to answer.
Everybody ain't.
One thing that I guess I have gotten used to is how much misinformation there is out there. Not just in Islam, within the Religion, but in Religion in general.
My "new" Muslim friends have asked me questions ranging from spots on clothing to the deification of Prophets.
"So and so told me this, this isn't true?"
And how in the heck could you blame somebody, new to a Religion for believing something that someone who supposedly has been practicing for years has told them?
Religion is supposed to be freeing. An opportunity to grow closer to God, your place in Creation. Your Purpose.
Instead, whether intentionally or not, it's used as an opportunity to inspire guilt trips. To create an imbalance of knowledge vs. need. To create superiority and dependence.
In Christianity... it's no different.
How many so-called Christians cannot explain why they do what they do, or why they believe what they believe?
They just do.
And many are taught from the very beginning, "If you have any doubt, ask GOD to remove it from your heart."
Because Rational Thought is not encouraged.
When Religion has no Thinking behind it, how does it differ from idol worship?
What benefit can it do you? How will it help you to develop and grow?
Idol Worship.
Black People as a community have embraced "Jesus" as Lord and Savior as no other group on this earth has. We have pimped out gospel music, $500,000 crosses, and corner churches in every urban city. Jesus is a fixture in the American Negroe's identity more than GOD is.
Is it unfair to point out that Black People are also at the lowest of any people on this EARTH? Is that unfair to say?
Yes, there are more whites than Negroes living on welfare, and this is a fact that we celebrate. But white folks make up nearly 70 percent of the population of this country, so there will be more of them in everything. We are 13 percent, so we should represent 13 percent, right?
How many of us are living on the rancid breast milk of government sustenance? How many of us are in jail? Cracked out? Absent in the lives of our children?
Everybody is quick to shout out RACISM!
• African Americans account for 56 percent of new HIV infections.
• African Americans account for 66 percent of new HIV infections among 13 to19 year olds.
• Among 20 to 24 year olds, it's only slightly better, with Negroes account for 53 percent of those infected.
• In 2002, 71 percent of all new HIV diagnoses reported in children under the age of 13 were found among African Americans.
No. Sorry.
People wanna talk about how the criminal justice system is racist. And it is.
But is it more powerful than GOD?
And people wanna talk about how it's the white man keeping us down. And he is.
But is he more powerful than GOD?
And, of course, how the mysterious "system" is designed to destroy the Black Family, to emasculate the Black Man, to infiltrate our communities with drugs, rap music, cheap liquor, no education, no jobs and no hope.
And.... it is. This is no accident.
But.... I mean, what plan of what man could be greater than God?
Man plans and Allah Plans, and Allah is BEST of Planners.
Even I can't blame this on Tupac, and I would love to.
Idol worship is killing us. And that which we cling to is that which is weighing us down.
If you put a Christmas tree up in your house, without understanding why... then you are worshipping an idol.
If you can't pray without dhikr beads, then you are worshipping an idol.
If you worship a man, White Jesus or Black Jesus.... and you claim that he is the SON of GOD... without any factual information as to his history, his words (outside of what they tell you the Bible says) or when it was decided that he was God's child... then you are worshipping an idol.
If somebody told you that OJ Simpson was on Oprah licking her toes, wouldn't you go look it up?
If somebody told you that GW Bush called Kanye West "my nigga" wouldn't you want some factual information before you got pissed off?
Sad thing is.... how many community-wide stories circulate now.... Lil Kim's stomach pump, Mary J Blige/Ciara was a man, so-and-so company CEO is a devil worshipper and my friend saw it on Oprah/Montel/Maury.
Only Niggers could make Religion out of Rumor.
And it is killing us.
"The white man would never have let us from slavery unless he knew that it worked!" - Imam Qasim Ahmed, Eid-ul Fitr.
Alhamdulillah. All Praise is due to God.
If you know me, you know that I never never ever try to "convert" anyone. Beyond that, I avoid religious conversations when I can. Even though my religion is the most important thing in my life, I am not on any campaign to make it important to anyone. Not even my friends.
I subscribe to the philosophy of Example.
People will buy into you and what you do, what you practice, based on your actions. Not your words. Nobody is open to being convinced that you are right and they are wrong.
People have to see you, observe you, watch you and wonder..... What is it that he has? For me... I know what it is. The reason why I think that I am le bomb is because I pray. I pray when nobody is watching. I pray in the morning, the midday, the afternoon, the evening, and at night.
I stop what I'm doing, and physically bow down to my Lord. On my hands and knees. Out loud and silently. At night, during the day, and before the sun rises.
And it is not lost on me how incredible it is to do so.
So, all my life, people have asked questions when they have been inspired to. And since 9/11, more people have asked, and more people have embraced Islam in my life than ever.
Fortunately, I'm pretty qualified to answer.
Everybody ain't.
One thing that I guess I have gotten used to is how much misinformation there is out there. Not just in Islam, within the Religion, but in Religion in general.
My "new" Muslim friends have asked me questions ranging from spots on clothing to the deification of Prophets.
"So and so told me this, this isn't true?"
And how in the heck could you blame somebody, new to a Religion for believing something that someone who supposedly has been practicing for years has told them?
Religion is supposed to be freeing. An opportunity to grow closer to God, your place in Creation. Your Purpose.
Instead, whether intentionally or not, it's used as an opportunity to inspire guilt trips. To create an imbalance of knowledge vs. need. To create superiority and dependence.
In Christianity... it's no different.
How many so-called Christians cannot explain why they do what they do, or why they believe what they believe?
They just do.
And many are taught from the very beginning, "If you have any doubt, ask GOD to remove it from your heart."
Because Rational Thought is not encouraged.
When Religion has no Thinking behind it, how does it differ from idol worship?
What benefit can it do you? How will it help you to develop and grow?
Idol Worship.
Black People as a community have embraced "Jesus" as Lord and Savior as no other group on this earth has. We have pimped out gospel music, $500,000 crosses, and corner churches in every urban city. Jesus is a fixture in the American Negroe's identity more than GOD is.
Is it unfair to point out that Black People are also at the lowest of any people on this EARTH? Is that unfair to say?
Yes, there are more whites than Negroes living on welfare, and this is a fact that we celebrate. But white folks make up nearly 70 percent of the population of this country, so there will be more of them in everything. We are 13 percent, so we should represent 13 percent, right?
How many of us are living on the rancid breast milk of government sustenance? How many of us are in jail? Cracked out? Absent in the lives of our children?
Everybody is quick to shout out RACISM!
• African Americans account for 56 percent of new HIV infections.
• African Americans account for 66 percent of new HIV infections among 13 to19 year olds.
• Among 20 to 24 year olds, it's only slightly better, with Negroes account for 53 percent of those infected.
• In 2002, 71 percent of all new HIV diagnoses reported in children under the age of 13 were found among African Americans.
No. Sorry.
People wanna talk about how the criminal justice system is racist. And it is.
But is it more powerful than GOD?
And people wanna talk about how it's the white man keeping us down. And he is.
But is he more powerful than GOD?
And, of course, how the mysterious "system" is designed to destroy the Black Family, to emasculate the Black Man, to infiltrate our communities with drugs, rap music, cheap liquor, no education, no jobs and no hope.
And.... it is. This is no accident.
But.... I mean, what plan of what man could be greater than God?
Man plans and Allah Plans, and Allah is BEST of Planners.
Even I can't blame this on Tupac, and I would love to.
Idol worship is killing us. And that which we cling to is that which is weighing us down.
If you put a Christmas tree up in your house, without understanding why... then you are worshipping an idol.
If you can't pray without dhikr beads, then you are worshipping an idol.
If you worship a man, White Jesus or Black Jesus.... and you claim that he is the SON of GOD... without any factual information as to his history, his words (outside of what they tell you the Bible says) or when it was decided that he was God's child... then you are worshipping an idol.
If somebody told you that OJ Simpson was on Oprah licking her toes, wouldn't you go look it up?
If somebody told you that GW Bush called Kanye West "my nigga" wouldn't you want some factual information before you got pissed off?
Sad thing is.... how many community-wide stories circulate now.... Lil Kim's stomach pump, Mary J Blige/Ciara was a man, so-and-so company CEO is a devil worshipper and my friend saw it on Oprah/Montel/Maury.
Only Niggers could make Religion out of Rumor.
And it is killing us.
"The white man would never have let us from slavery unless he knew that it worked!" - Imam Qasim Ahmed, Eid-ul Fitr.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Here a Dilla, There a Dilla, Everywhere a Dilla Dilla
Far be it from me to offend popular sensibilities...
But I have reached another tolerance point.
It's the month of Ramadan, a Holy month, a month in which Muslims around the globe spend getting closer to God through prayer, disciplining ourselves with fasting, and understanding the world, man, and Creation by studying the Qur'an.
So I'm not really even on here this month. If I wasn't 100 percent addicted, I woud have taken the month off of the Myspace.
But, that's crazy talk.
Anyways, I just wanted to take a moment to announce to Black People everywhere that Ossie Davis did more for Black People than J-Dilla did.
And I'm sick of reading "Dilla Changed My Life" blogs and bulletins on the Myspace. Most of y'all didn't even know dude by name until he died. And even with the current "Dilla was the greatest, most meaningful person in hip-hop history" movement, half of y'all wouldn't recognize dude if he wasn't in a "RIP Dilla" photo.
The thing that elevates us beyond past societies is the fact that we BURY our dead. We don't worship our dead.
And if you were going to pick a figure to continually bombard people with day in, day out... Why not Ossie Davis?
Without Ossie Davis, there would have been no civil rights movement, and you can take that fact to the bank.
With Hip-Hop being dead, I know it's hard for people, we are not coping well... But seriously folks, enough is enough.
I am The Truth Sayer, and I approve of this message.
But I have reached another tolerance point.
It's the month of Ramadan, a Holy month, a month in which Muslims around the globe spend getting closer to God through prayer, disciplining ourselves with fasting, and understanding the world, man, and Creation by studying the Qur'an.
So I'm not really even on here this month. If I wasn't 100 percent addicted, I woud have taken the month off of the Myspace.
But, that's crazy talk.
Anyways, I just wanted to take a moment to announce to Black People everywhere that Ossie Davis did more for Black People than J-Dilla did.
And I'm sick of reading "Dilla Changed My Life" blogs and bulletins on the Myspace. Most of y'all didn't even know dude by name until he died. And even with the current "Dilla was the greatest, most meaningful person in hip-hop history" movement, half of y'all wouldn't recognize dude if he wasn't in a "RIP Dilla" photo.
The thing that elevates us beyond past societies is the fact that we BURY our dead. We don't worship our dead.
And if you were going to pick a figure to continually bombard people with day in, day out... Why not Ossie Davis?
Without Ossie Davis, there would have been no civil rights movement, and you can take that fact to the bank.
With Hip-Hop being dead, I know it's hard for people, we are not coping well... But seriously folks, enough is enough.
I am The Truth Sayer, and I approve of this message.
Thursday, October 5, 2006
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
MSNBC Anchor Keith Olbermann Found Dead of Apparent Suicide
Okay... it hasn't happened yet, but it's bound to happen.
For the record, Olbermann, Bill Clinton, and all the other lefty liberals are merely telling the other side of the same lie.
9/11 was not carried out by bin Laden.
Ole homeboy Osama is used as a way by both Dems and Repubs as a way to verify the lie, over and over and over again. To push the company line over and over and over again. Ignore the evidence.
Don't ask questions.
Regardless.... the language, the tone (the sneer), the footage, quoting Orwell.... wonderful.
But don't get lost in the lies. 9/11 was not carried out by outsiders. It's bigger than Clinton. It's bigger than Bush. And the evidence is there. The fact that the evidence is not allowed to be mentioned should be a red flag to most of us.
For the record, Olbermann, Bill Clinton, and all the other lefty liberals are merely telling the other side of the same lie.
9/11 was not carried out by bin Laden.
Ole homeboy Osama is used as a way by both Dems and Repubs as a way to verify the lie, over and over and over again. To push the company line over and over and over again. Ignore the evidence.
Don't ask questions.
Regardless.... the language, the tone (the sneer), the footage, quoting Orwell.... wonderful.
But don't get lost in the lies. 9/11 was not carried out by outsiders. It's bigger than Clinton. It's bigger than Bush. And the evidence is there. The fact that the evidence is not allowed to be mentioned should be a red flag to most of us.
Monday, September 25, 2006
"It's All About Having A Good Time"
Last night was such ridiculous fun it's.... well ridiculous.
I am thankful for my friends, thankful that the frickin coolest people in the world are accessible to me, are resources to me.
And if I can be arrogant for a minute... there's something about that look.
In the week leading up to Game Night, I got page comments, text messages, and verbal threats telling me what a beatdown I'm finna get in my own house.
I'm sitting down, trying to enjoy company in my house, and people are trying to roll up their sleeves, move my furniture, and verbally threaten me talking about how I'm finna lose.
Jabir and losing goes together like y'all and winning.
I'm saying, "Can't we just sit and talk and enjoy each other's company for awhile? Why y'all wanna run to get your collective butt's whooped?
"Cuz what's gonna happen, is we're gonna play the game, I'm going to destroy you, you're going to complain about me cheating, and then you are going to leave."
And what happens? Exactly what I say.
I lay down a "I Love The 80's" beatdown so fierce that the look came at me from all. It's a mixture of disbelief, shock, shame, awe, humiliation and force-fed humility.
I best equate it to getting physically assaulted by Bruce Lee. So he's kicking and punching and "Woooooooh!"ing and it HURTS, but you still are in amazement of his incredible style and form.
So yeah. I sent people out of my house on a whole 'nother note than the one they came in on.
The person walking into MY HOME talking the most hot garbage (Siraj) walked out talking the most.... but on another note.
"Aw man, if we was playing dominoes I'd win."
"Aw man, if we was playing 90's trivia I'd win."
"Aw man, if we was playing rock, paper, scissors I'd win."
We institute a NO CRYING rule and Siraj insists he's not crying because there are no actual tears present.
Regardless, I had a blast. And I think that everybody learned a lesson.
"Man, it's all about having a good time.. That's what it's all about. We just came to have fun."
(That's what losers say.)
I am thankful for my friends, thankful that the frickin coolest people in the world are accessible to me, are resources to me.
And if I can be arrogant for a minute... there's something about that look.
In the week leading up to Game Night, I got page comments, text messages, and verbal threats telling me what a beatdown I'm finna get in my own house.
I'm sitting down, trying to enjoy company in my house, and people are trying to roll up their sleeves, move my furniture, and verbally threaten me talking about how I'm finna lose.
Jabir and losing goes together like y'all and winning.
I'm saying, "Can't we just sit and talk and enjoy each other's company for awhile? Why y'all wanna run to get your collective butt's whooped?
"Cuz what's gonna happen, is we're gonna play the game, I'm going to destroy you, you're going to complain about me cheating, and then you are going to leave."
And what happens? Exactly what I say.
I lay down a "I Love The 80's" beatdown so fierce that the look came at me from all. It's a mixture of disbelief, shock, shame, awe, humiliation and force-fed humility.
I best equate it to getting physically assaulted by Bruce Lee. So he's kicking and punching and "Woooooooh!"ing and it HURTS, but you still are in amazement of his incredible style and form.
So yeah. I sent people out of my house on a whole 'nother note than the one they came in on.
The person walking into MY HOME talking the most hot garbage (Siraj) walked out talking the most.... but on another note.
"Aw man, if we was playing dominoes I'd win."
"Aw man, if we was playing 90's trivia I'd win."
"Aw man, if we was playing rock, paper, scissors I'd win."
We institute a NO CRYING rule and Siraj insists he's not crying because there are no actual tears present.
Regardless, I had a blast. And I think that everybody learned a lesson.
"Man, it's all about having a good time.. That's what it's all about. We just came to have fun."
(That's what losers say.)
I was really trying to be "in the moment" so I only taped a few moments of Gamers..... but what I did capture is priceless.
(don't mind the foolish camera hog)
As one phase of the party transitioned into another, I don't remember who said it, but I remember their words...
"You're only doing this once a month?
I wish it was once a week."
Yeah... Best Party Ever.
And movie night will be even better, insha Allah.
(don't mind the foolish camera hog)
As one phase of the party transitioned into another, I don't remember who said it, but I remember their words...
"You're only doing this once a month?
I wish it was once a week."
Yeah... Best Party Ever.
And movie night will be even better, insha Allah.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Why Do I Hate Democrats?
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Two of President Bush's staunchest domestic critics leapt to his defense Thursday, a day after one of his fiercest foreign foes called him "the devil" in a scorching speech before the United Nations.
"You don't come into my country; you don't come into my congressional district and you don't condemn my president," Rep. Charles Rangel, D-New York, scolded Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-California, was blunt in her criticism of the Venezuelan leader. "He is an everyday thug," she said.
Chavez kept up his criticism of Bush during a visit to Harlem on Thursday, calling the U.S. president "a sick man" who is unqualified for the job. Chavez also said he is expanding his heating-oil program to help low-income Americans.
During his speech before the U.N. General Assembly on Wednesday, Chavez launched into a caustic verbal attack of Bush that shocked diplomats and observers accustomed to the staid verbiage of international diplomacy.
"The devil came here yesterday," Chavez said, referring to Bush, who addressed the world body during its annual meeting Tuesday. "And it smells of sulfur still today."
Chavez accused Bush of having spoken "as if he owned the world" when the U.S. president addressed the world body on Tuesday.
"As the spokesman of imperialism, he came to share his nostrums to try to preserve the current pattern of domination, exploitation and pillage of the peoples of the world. An Alfred Hitchcock movie could use it as a scenario. I would even propose a title: 'The Devil's Recipe.' "
Bush's domestic foes fumed Thursday.
"If there's any criticism of President Bush, it should be restricted to Americans, whether they voted for him or not," Rangel said at a Washington news conference.
"I just want to make it abundantly clear to Hugo Chavez or any other president: Don't come to the United States and think, because we have problems with our president, that any foreigner can come to our country and not think that Americans do not feel offended when you offend our chief of state," Rangel said.
"Hugo Chavez abused the privilege that he had speaking at the United Nations," Pelosi said. "In doing so, in the manner which he characterized the president, he demeaned himself and demeaned Venezuela."
Bush administration officials dismissed the Chavez tirade.
"We're not going to address that sort of comic-strip approach to international affairs," John Bolton, the U.S. ambassador to the U.N., said shortly after Chavez spoke Wednesday.
Chavez's tirades against Bush have become common. In May, he accused Bush of committing genocide and said the U.S. president should be imprisoned by an international criminal court.
Chavez also alleged during the U.N. speech that the United States is planning, financing and setting in motion a coup to overthrow him. The U.S. has denied such accusations in the past.
As he was exiting the U.N. building in New York, Chavez told reporters that Bush is not a legitimate president because he "stole the elections."
"He is, therefore, a dictator," Chavez said.
During a stop in Harlem on Thursday, Chavez said he has no quarrel with the American people.
"We are friends of yours, and you are our friends," he said.
Underscoring his point, he announced he is expanding his heating-oil program to help impoverished Americans from 40 million gallons last year to 100 million gallons this year, and from 180,000 families to 459,000 families.
But in the heart of Rangel's congressional district, he blasted away at Bush for a second day.
"He walks like this cowboy John Wayne," said Chavez. "He doesn't have the slightest idea of politics. He got where he is because he is the son of his father. He was an alcoholic, an ex-alcoholic. He's a sick man, full of complexes, but very dangerous now because he has a lot of power."
Chavez, clad in a fire-engine-red shirt, called Bush a "menace" and a "threat against life on the planet."
In the United States, rich people are getting richer, and poor people are getting poorer, he said. "That's not a democracy; that's a tyranny."
After his address, a Chavez spokesman said the Secret Service and New York Police Department had barred the Venezuelan president from granting media interviews and cut his delegation's satellite feed -- claims the New York police and State Department denied.
"You don't come into my country; you don't come into my congressional district and you don't condemn my president," Rep. Charles Rangel, D-New York, scolded Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-California, was blunt in her criticism of the Venezuelan leader. "He is an everyday thug," she said.
Chavez kept up his criticism of Bush during a visit to Harlem on Thursday, calling the U.S. president "a sick man" who is unqualified for the job. Chavez also said he is expanding his heating-oil program to help low-income Americans.
During his speech before the U.N. General Assembly on Wednesday, Chavez launched into a caustic verbal attack of Bush that shocked diplomats and observers accustomed to the staid verbiage of international diplomacy.
"The devil came here yesterday," Chavez said, referring to Bush, who addressed the world body during its annual meeting Tuesday. "And it smells of sulfur still today."
Chavez accused Bush of having spoken "as if he owned the world" when the U.S. president addressed the world body on Tuesday.
"As the spokesman of imperialism, he came to share his nostrums to try to preserve the current pattern of domination, exploitation and pillage of the peoples of the world. An Alfred Hitchcock movie could use it as a scenario. I would even propose a title: 'The Devil's Recipe.' "
Bush's domestic foes fumed Thursday.
"If there's any criticism of President Bush, it should be restricted to Americans, whether they voted for him or not," Rangel said at a Washington news conference.
"I just want to make it abundantly clear to Hugo Chavez or any other president: Don't come to the United States and think, because we have problems with our president, that any foreigner can come to our country and not think that Americans do not feel offended when you offend our chief of state," Rangel said.
"Hugo Chavez abused the privilege that he had speaking at the United Nations," Pelosi said. "In doing so, in the manner which he characterized the president, he demeaned himself and demeaned Venezuela."
Bush administration officials dismissed the Chavez tirade.
"We're not going to address that sort of comic-strip approach to international affairs," John Bolton, the U.S. ambassador to the U.N., said shortly after Chavez spoke Wednesday.
Chavez's tirades against Bush have become common. In May, he accused Bush of committing genocide and said the U.S. president should be imprisoned by an international criminal court.
Chavez also alleged during the U.N. speech that the United States is planning, financing and setting in motion a coup to overthrow him. The U.S. has denied such accusations in the past.
As he was exiting the U.N. building in New York, Chavez told reporters that Bush is not a legitimate president because he "stole the elections."
"He is, therefore, a dictator," Chavez said.
During a stop in Harlem on Thursday, Chavez said he has no quarrel with the American people.
"We are friends of yours, and you are our friends," he said.
Underscoring his point, he announced he is expanding his heating-oil program to help impoverished Americans from 40 million gallons last year to 100 million gallons this year, and from 180,000 families to 459,000 families.
But in the heart of Rangel's congressional district, he blasted away at Bush for a second day.
"He walks like this cowboy John Wayne," said Chavez. "He doesn't have the slightest idea of politics. He got where he is because he is the son of his father. He was an alcoholic, an ex-alcoholic. He's a sick man, full of complexes, but very dangerous now because he has a lot of power."
Chavez, clad in a fire-engine-red shirt, called Bush a "menace" and a "threat against life on the planet."
In the United States, rich people are getting richer, and poor people are getting poorer, he said. "That's not a democracy; that's a tyranny."
After his address, a Chavez spokesman said the Secret Service and New York Police Department had barred the Venezuelan president from granting media interviews and cut his delegation's satellite feed -- claims the New York police and State Department denied.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Stop 2pac before he kills you too
I wonder...
There have been 106 murders in Oakland this year.
That is more than one every other day.
If someone were to make a "Stop Killing" T-Shirt...
Who would wear it?
Would Mista Fab, E-40, Keek, or any of these other coonclowns ever be caught DEAD wearing it?
I doubt it.
Could this new breed of rappers even get together to create a message like "We're All In The Same Gang"?
Don't even front.
It's a message that is the complete opposite of the tomcoonery they perpetuate.
And you know that even if they managed to make it through the recording process, somebody would get shot during the video shoot.
I wish pain on each and every one of these messengers. Not so much for me, but for the innocent victims. These young people who truly believe they are Niggas and Bitches, Go Dumb Dudes and Hyphy Hoes.
I hope that each of these rappers dies alone. In pain. And broke.
And for each of us who mistakenly shouts out "It ain't the rappers' fault! It's the meeeeedia! We got to blame the media and the record companies who support the music they make!"
I slowly and carefully extend my middle finger in your direction.
Take a moment.
Stare carefully as I retract it.
Now listen to my words.
Neither the media, the record executives nor the devil have any obligation to our communities. Their only goal is to seperate us from our money. And if it doesn't sell, they don't make it.
And for those who understand that white kids make up the majority of the hip-hop purchasing audience, I applaud you.
So am I contradicting myself? Is it really white kids in Concord, Simi Valley, Little Rock? Are they to blame?
Of course not.... cuz they don't want it if it doesn't have 'street cred'.
If it's not Nigger Approved.
If it doesn't carry that Ghetto Pass, they'll pass on it, too. They only wish to emulate us, of course.
The reason why I despise 2pac is because he could have stopped all of this.
While living, he could have said, "Let's put down the guns"
"Let's stop this violence, y'all."
"Trust me, I been shot 5 times (brothas is hard to kill, on my block) we got ta find a better way."
And I guarantee that it would have happened. He had that power.
He was that influential.
But the son of the Black Panthers instead embodied the very lifestyle that would take his life.
As my boy Mezmer put it:
"Pac was the definition of going dumb.
Huge talent, huge heart. 6 feet deep before the age of 30."
"Thug Life" huh?
This is our "Angel"... The rose from concrete.
Before 2pac, rap beefs didn't leave the studio. Kool Moe Dee and LL Cool J, KRS and Marley Marl (and the entire Juice Crew), hell, even "real" Gangstaz, Ice Cube vs NWA, Dr Dre vs Eazy E... after Eazy died they all admitted it was a hoax. A ruse.
But all we needed was somebody so "real" he could inspire a nation of hopeless Black youth. Young Black Men to follow in his footsteps. No dreams, no goals, no plans, and no expectations.
I don't expect anyone to join me on my campaign.
With the exception of some (well-meaning) white folks, I will walk alone.
Fighting Black People to save Black People.
Cuz Niggers are too scared to let go of the very thing which has been keeping you down.
There have been 106 murders in Oakland this year.
That is more than one every other day.
If someone were to make a "Stop Killing" T-Shirt...
Who would wear it?
Would Mista Fab, E-40, Keek, or any of these other coonclowns ever be caught DEAD wearing it?
I doubt it.
Could this new breed of rappers even get together to create a message like "We're All In The Same Gang"?
Don't even front.
It's a message that is the complete opposite of the tomcoonery they perpetuate.
And you know that even if they managed to make it through the recording process, somebody would get shot during the video shoot.
I wish pain on each and every one of these messengers. Not so much for me, but for the innocent victims. These young people who truly believe they are Niggas and Bitches, Go Dumb Dudes and Hyphy Hoes.
I hope that each of these rappers dies alone. In pain. And broke.
And for each of us who mistakenly shouts out "It ain't the rappers' fault! It's the meeeeedia! We got to blame the media and the record companies who support the music they make!"
I slowly and carefully extend my middle finger in your direction.
Take a moment.
Stare carefully as I retract it.
Now listen to my words.
Neither the media, the record executives nor the devil have any obligation to our communities. Their only goal is to seperate us from our money. And if it doesn't sell, they don't make it.
And for those who understand that white kids make up the majority of the hip-hop purchasing audience, I applaud you.
So am I contradicting myself? Is it really white kids in Concord, Simi Valley, Little Rock? Are they to blame?
Of course not.... cuz they don't want it if it doesn't have 'street cred'.
If it's not Nigger Approved.
If it doesn't carry that Ghetto Pass, they'll pass on it, too. They only wish to emulate us, of course.
until the day that Black Queens stop dancing to bitches & hoes songs in the ain't gonna happen.
until Black Kings turn off that new "slap" with that same meaningless message, perpetuating, violence, misogyny, drug and alcohol abuse...
until Black People stop looking for redeeming qualities in every piece of negative materials, stop justifying the ignorance that we perpetuate upon ourselves...
The reason why I despise 2pac is because he could have stopped all of this.
While living, he could have said, "Let's put down the guns"
"Let's stop this violence, y'all."
"Trust me, I been shot 5 times (brothas is hard to kill, on my block) we got ta find a better way."
And I guarantee that it would have happened. He had that power.
He was that influential.
But the son of the Black Panthers instead embodied the very lifestyle that would take his life.
As my boy Mezmer put it:
"Pac was the definition of going dumb.
Huge talent, huge heart. 6 feet deep before the age of 30."
"Thug Life" huh?
This is our "Angel"... The rose from concrete.
Before 2pac, rap beefs didn't leave the studio. Kool Moe Dee and LL Cool J, KRS and Marley Marl (and the entire Juice Crew), hell, even "real" Gangstaz, Ice Cube vs NWA, Dr Dre vs Eazy E... after Eazy died they all admitted it was a hoax. A ruse.
But all we needed was somebody so "real" he could inspire a nation of hopeless Black youth. Young Black Men to follow in his footsteps. No dreams, no goals, no plans, and no expectations.
I don't expect anyone to join me on my campaign.
With the exception of some (well-meaning) white folks, I will walk alone.
Fighting Black People to save Black People.
Cuz Niggers are too scared to let go of the very thing which has been keeping you down.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
They All Come Back
Completely by accident (there are no accidents) I ran into my "ex" while in LA.
To say the least, this woman has always had some kind of power over me, from day one.
We ended on bad terms, terms so bad they sparked my temporary return to the Spoken Word scene. And more than once she has tried to contact me, to apologize, to make amends, to clear the slate, and in very typical Jabir fashion she got nowhere.
Cuz once I'm done, I'm done.
However, if you know me, you know that I only date ex-girlfriends. It's like a rule. An oft-repeating sitcom with only 5 episodes in its history.
There's a reason why we're not together, but I have no desire to explain myself to any new person.
So you win by default. At least temporarily.
Anyways, she walked up to me at the African Marketplace and I didn't even recognize her... Gone is the short, curly natural, and these are the days of the blond/brown madwoman streaks.
But those eyes... Those eyes...
So seeing her again brought me right back into her control. At least temporarily.
"Remember what she said to you!" my left brain whispered.
"Why you trying to bring up old stuff?" my right brain shouted.
Anyways.... we've spoken briefly every day since then. But it's... different.
On Day One... I almost didn't drive back from LA to Oakland
On Day Ten... I hear my own voice floating in the background when she speaks.
"They all come back"
Or at least they try.
Unfortunately for most, I am now neck deep in World Domination mode.
And my primary thought is, Will you help me raise my scholars, scientists, philosophers, teachers, revolutionaries, writers, beautiful brown Kings and Queens and Princes and Princesses... Muslims. Servants of God, the Most High?
Or will I have to fight with you on why my children will not watch Flavor of Love?
To say the least, this woman has always had some kind of power over me, from day one.
We ended on bad terms, terms so bad they sparked my temporary return to the Spoken Word scene. And more than once she has tried to contact me, to apologize, to make amends, to clear the slate, and in very typical Jabir fashion she got nowhere.
Cuz once I'm done, I'm done.
However, if you know me, you know that I only date ex-girlfriends. It's like a rule. An oft-repeating sitcom with only 5 episodes in its history.
There's a reason why we're not together, but I have no desire to explain myself to any new person.
So you win by default. At least temporarily.
Anyways, she walked up to me at the African Marketplace and I didn't even recognize her... Gone is the short, curly natural, and these are the days of the blond/brown madwoman streaks.
But those eyes... Those eyes...
So seeing her again brought me right back into her control. At least temporarily.
"Remember what she said to you!" my left brain whispered.
"Why you trying to bring up old stuff?" my right brain shouted.
Anyways.... we've spoken briefly every day since then. But it's... different.
On Day One... I almost didn't drive back from LA to Oakland
On Day Ten... I hear my own voice floating in the background when she speaks.
"They all come back"
Or at least they try.
Unfortunately for most, I am now neck deep in World Domination mode.
And my primary thought is, Will you help me raise my scholars, scientists, philosophers, teachers, revolutionaries, writers, beautiful brown Kings and Queens and Princes and Princesses... Muslims. Servants of God, the Most High?
Or will I have to fight with you on why my children will not watch Flavor of Love?
Monday, September 11, 2006
Power To The Peaceful? (Not if you're a Black)
Yes, a Black.
I spent a few hours at the Power to the Peaceful in Golden Gate Park on Sunday. If you're not familiar, it's when a bunch of liberals, hippies, anarchists, vegans, socialists, and other fun folks get together to celebrate themselves.
I always laugh at them.
I am never not finding humor in these people, who swear that they are SO RIGHT and that everybody else is SO WRONG, but these fools absolutely fail to recognize the fact that they are losing on every issue in this country.
War, the environment, politics, the economy, every one of these people was guaranteed to be on the losing side of each of these issues.
And it's not because people don't agree with them, per se.
It's because these people are fucking ridiculous.
Notice how I have not mentioned white people yet?
Well, I have to now.
These white people are ridiculous.
Absolutely, unacceptably ridiculous.
Illogical. Silly.
I can't say anymore now.
In the first video, something caught my eye at a t-shirt booth.
Right? I had to cut the camera off in order to say what I had to say to her. Cuz I was totally thinking, "I don't think I want my MySpace people (or the CIA spies who read my blogs) to hear this."
I was already through at this point, until I went to scout out the food area.
Do I really need to say anything after this point?
There is no more footage as I dropped my camera once she told me how we need to get reparations from the white man.
I laughed in her face with tears in my eyes, saying, "Enough, enough!"
I spent a few hours at the Power to the Peaceful in Golden Gate Park on Sunday. If you're not familiar, it's when a bunch of liberals, hippies, anarchists, vegans, socialists, and other fun folks get together to celebrate themselves.
I always laugh at them.
I am never not finding humor in these people, who swear that they are SO RIGHT and that everybody else is SO WRONG, but these fools absolutely fail to recognize the fact that they are losing on every issue in this country.
War, the environment, politics, the economy, every one of these people was guaranteed to be on the losing side of each of these issues.
And it's not because people don't agree with them, per se.
It's because these people are fucking ridiculous.
Notice how I have not mentioned white people yet?
Well, I have to now.
These white people are ridiculous.
Absolutely, unacceptably ridiculous.
Illogical. Silly.
I can't say anymore now.
In the first video, something caught my eye at a t-shirt booth.
Right? I had to cut the camera off in order to say what I had to say to her. Cuz I was totally thinking, "I don't think I want my MySpace people (or the CIA spies who read my blogs) to hear this."
I was already through at this point, until I went to scout out the food area.
Do I really need to say anything after this point?
There is no more footage as I dropped my camera once she told me how we need to get reparations from the white man.
I laughed in her face with tears in my eyes, saying, "Enough, enough!"
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Lies of 9/11
Flight 93 crashed because passengers bumrushed the cockpit. It was not shot down.
The Twin Towers collapsed because of the extreme heat of jet fuel... melting the steel rods and bringing these two buildings down upon themselves.
There were no explosives planted in the Twin Towers.
Commuter planes crashed into the Twin Towers. Even though both video and eyewitness accounts contradict this fact.
The planes were flown by Muslims/Arabs, supposedly trained at US amateur flight schools. Even though these so-called "terrorists" may still be alive around the globe, it was them because CNN said it was.
These horrible terrorists who hate America and our freedom, took over the planes armed with box cutters.
No group of people were contacted in advance and told to stay away from their jobs in the Towers on that morning.
If there were a group of people who MAY have been told to stay home on that day, they most certainly were not Jews.
The entire 9/11 attack was coordinated using low-technology, from a cave in Afghanistan. No cell phones, no laptops, no fax machines.
There is no connection between Israel, the Mossad, and the 9/11 attacks.
On October 11, 2001, a terrorist bomb plot against the Mexican Parliament WAS foiled, and YES, the people arrested with C-4 (plastic explosives) MAY have been Zionists (a Jew and a Mossad agent), but this has NOTHING to do with terrorism and is in NO WAY connected to the overarching plan of 9/11.
And in December of 2001, two Jewish terrorists may have been arrestedfor trying to carry out a similar plan to bomb the office of a California ARAB Congressman and a Mosque, but this also has NOTHING to do with terrorism.
The fact that both of these stories appeared in the news and QUICKLY disappeared is not important.
The attacks on 9/11 have not benefited weapons manufacturing companies, NOR oil companies. Neither ones have seen record profits in the last 5 years.
Since the attacks of 9/11, and since the America's response, titled, "The War on Terror" there is considerably less terrorist violence around the globe.
Since "The War on Terror" began, American's are safer, both here and abroad, thanks to America's swift and just response.
On the five year anniversary of 9/11, you should help to perpetuate the offical story of what happened. And under no circumstance should you doubt for ONE SECOND what you have told, because it's disrespectful to the victims and their families, and also, because it helps the terrorists.
And you don't support the terrorists, do you?
The Twin Towers collapsed because of the extreme heat of jet fuel... melting the steel rods and bringing these two buildings down upon themselves.
There were no explosives planted in the Twin Towers.
Commuter planes crashed into the Twin Towers. Even though both video and eyewitness accounts contradict this fact.
The planes were flown by Muslims/Arabs, supposedly trained at US amateur flight schools. Even though these so-called "terrorists" may still be alive around the globe, it was them because CNN said it was.
These horrible terrorists who hate America and our freedom, took over the planes armed with box cutters.
No group of people were contacted in advance and told to stay away from their jobs in the Towers on that morning.
If there were a group of people who MAY have been told to stay home on that day, they most certainly were not Jews.
The entire 9/11 attack was coordinated using low-technology, from a cave in Afghanistan. No cell phones, no laptops, no fax machines.
There is no connection between Israel, the Mossad, and the 9/11 attacks.
On October 11, 2001, a terrorist bomb plot against the Mexican Parliament WAS foiled, and YES, the people arrested with C-4 (plastic explosives) MAY have been Zionists (a Jew and a Mossad agent), but this has NOTHING to do with terrorism and is in NO WAY connected to the overarching plan of 9/11.
And in December of 2001, two Jewish terrorists may have been arrestedfor trying to carry out a similar plan to bomb the office of a California ARAB Congressman and a Mosque, but this also has NOTHING to do with terrorism.
The fact that both of these stories appeared in the news and QUICKLY disappeared is not important.
The attacks on 9/11 have not benefited weapons manufacturing companies, NOR oil companies. Neither ones have seen record profits in the last 5 years.
Since the attacks of 9/11, and since the America's response, titled, "The War on Terror" there is considerably less terrorist violence around the globe.
Since "The War on Terror" began, American's are safer, both here and abroad, thanks to America's swift and just response.
On the five year anniversary of 9/11, you should help to perpetuate the offical story of what happened. And under no circumstance should you doubt for ONE SECOND what you have told, because it's disrespectful to the victims and their families, and also, because it helps the terrorists.
And you don't support the terrorists, do you?
Friday, September 1, 2006
Last Night A Ninja Saved My Life (God Knows Exactly What I Need)
So... as far as my LA flaky people are concerned... I only called three people. Because I certainly have no plans of doing a tour of everybody I know. Plus, between Juju's and the Afrikan Marketplace, I'll likely run into everybody I know, plus people I'm not even thinking about.
So... only three people gave me the "I'm not sure what I'm doing" thing. The one constant, the one person who checked in, who checked and double checked, who expressed her excitement at my impeding arrival was your diva and mine... miss Lipgloss Junkie herself, the Diana Ross of the Desert, Miss Erica Socialite.
So since everybody else is doing "in tribute" blogs, it seems, there is mine.
Erica got my back.
Anyways... so, being offended, and truly stuck between decisions (to LA or not to LA) I wrote the blog previous to this.
I was at work when I typed it up
Five minutes after clicking "Post Blog" my phone rings...
"I never said that I wasn't going to see you.""I know... you said 'maybe.' Trust me I was truly honored to know you would consider fitting me in."
"Anyways... I am free this weekend. When are you coming?""Well, I'm not sure if I'm coming any longer, but I'll try to let you know."
Real ornery.
So I'm not being myself... I leave my office at around 10pm, hop into my car and began to head out of the parking lot.
These words escaped MY lips.
Because a gosh damn NINJA did a ninja flip out of the darkness, and landed in the parking lot, not 15 feet from my passenger door.
I was as much in shock from cursing as I was from this ninja, dressed in black.
I swear unto my Lord, the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth that this happened.
A freakin' ninja, dressed in an all black ninja suit, with a ninja belt, a ninja hood with a ninja mask.
He struck a ninja pose and looked at me with his ninja eyes.
He was Black.
Yes, a Nigga Ninja.
I swear this true.
I was torn between two reactions. Part of me wanted to hit the gas and drive away. I mean, when there is a ninja involved, there has to be trouble.
But another part of me, the part of me that hangs with a 9, a 10, and a 13 year old, that part of me was dominant. I stared at the ninja, yet he didn't seem to notice me or my car. He ninja scampered along the corner of a building in the lot, so I did what anybody else would do.
I jumped out of my car (with my digital camera/camcorder) and ran after him, only slightly afraid of death by ninja star.
I turned the corner that he had, which leads to another wide open section of parking lot. He had only a 3 second lead on me, but by the time I got there, he had disappeared.
I did what any child of the 80's would do... I looked up the walls of the adjacent buildings to see if he was ninja crouching in the darkness, I looked for rope to see if he had climbed or used some kind of grappling hook to escape.
But I found nothing. And after a few moments the ridiculousness of what I was doing struck me. And so I laughed.
I laughed and held my stomach and staggered back to my car with tears in my eyes. And in that moment God released all of my hostilities, my resentments, anger I wasn't even aware that I had been holding onto.
Whatever happens, happens, and God is in charge, and I believe that no matter what I do, where I go, what choice I make, that he will take care of me. He always has.
And in that moment, it took a damn ninja to help me see.
So, LA here I come.
So... only three people gave me the "I'm not sure what I'm doing" thing. The one constant, the one person who checked in, who checked and double checked, who expressed her excitement at my impeding arrival was your diva and mine... miss Lipgloss Junkie herself, the Diana Ross of the Desert, Miss Erica Socialite.
So since everybody else is doing "in tribute" blogs, it seems, there is mine.
Erica got my back.
Anyways... so, being offended, and truly stuck between decisions (to LA or not to LA) I wrote the blog previous to this.
I was at work when I typed it up
Five minutes after clicking "Post Blog" my phone rings...
"I never said that I wasn't going to see you.""I know... you said 'maybe.' Trust me I was truly honored to know you would consider fitting me in."
"Anyways... I am free this weekend. When are you coming?""Well, I'm not sure if I'm coming any longer, but I'll try to let you know."
Real ornery.
So I'm not being myself... I leave my office at around 10pm, hop into my car and began to head out of the parking lot.
"Oh! Fuck! A ninja!"
These words escaped MY lips.
Because a gosh damn NINJA did a ninja flip out of the darkness, and landed in the parking lot, not 15 feet from my passenger door.
I was as much in shock from cursing as I was from this ninja, dressed in black.
I swear unto my Lord, the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth that this happened.
A freakin' ninja, dressed in an all black ninja suit, with a ninja belt, a ninja hood with a ninja mask.
He struck a ninja pose and looked at me with his ninja eyes.
He was Black.
Yes, a Nigga Ninja.
I swear this true.
I was torn between two reactions. Part of me wanted to hit the gas and drive away. I mean, when there is a ninja involved, there has to be trouble.
But another part of me, the part of me that hangs with a 9, a 10, and a 13 year old, that part of me was dominant. I stared at the ninja, yet he didn't seem to notice me or my car. He ninja scampered along the corner of a building in the lot, so I did what anybody else would do.
I jumped out of my car (with my digital camera/camcorder) and ran after him, only slightly afraid of death by ninja star.
I turned the corner that he had, which leads to another wide open section of parking lot. He had only a 3 second lead on me, but by the time I got there, he had disappeared.
I did what any child of the 80's would do... I looked up the walls of the adjacent buildings to see if he was ninja crouching in the darkness, I looked for rope to see if he had climbed or used some kind of grappling hook to escape.
But I found nothing. And after a few moments the ridiculousness of what I was doing struck me. And so I laughed.
I laughed and held my stomach and staggered back to my car with tears in my eyes. And in that moment God released all of my hostilities, my resentments, anger I wasn't even aware that I had been holding onto.
Whatever happens, happens, and God is in charge, and I believe that no matter what I do, where I go, what choice I make, that he will take care of me. He always has.
And in that moment, it took a damn ninja to help me see.
So, LA here I come.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Standard Operating Procedures (Myspace Days)
The following is a tutorial designed to aid you in interacting with me. This includes what you should know, as well as how you should interact with me. This is a must-read, because I am compiling this to help you. Therefore, I do require confirmation from my "Friends".
Please note that it includes some foul language, necessary for emphasis.
I do delete comments.If you leave a raunchy, ignorant, or plain "ghetto" comment I'll probably delete it. If I just plain disagree with you I'll delete your comment. If you use my page or blog to promote any passive-aggressive e-bullshit I will delete it post-haste.
If you use my blog to try and front like we are closer friends than we are, I will make fun of you in private.
I do not accept each Friend Request.
I'll visit your page. I'll count your friends. More than 300? You'll probably get denied on GP (suspicion of being a MySpace whore).
I'll read your comments. I'll view your pictures. I'll view your Friends' pages. I'll read your blogs. I will deny your request and you'll never know why.
(Y'all really should send a message before you add a stranger as a "Friend" anyways. Gonna make me bring Al B. Sure! back to my page.)
Jealousy will get you nowhere.This is new to me. I doubt I will ever read anything, or see a picture or video of you doing something and think to myself, "How come I wasn't invited?" It is, therefore, 10 million times more unlikely that I will ever post a comment, send you an email, or call you up tombout [talking about] some, "Why come you didn't invite me?"
If I'm not in your plans, it's for a reason. If you're not in mine, it's either because you're not that important OR because I can only tolerate so much of you. That's not mean nor rude. Some people, great and entertaining as they are, can only be taken in small doses.
Acting like a jealous beeyotch makes your company even less desireable.
Do what you say.
For real. I neither forgive nor forget. I hold grudges. I bring up old stuff. If you're a flake or a fake, karma herself dictates that it comes back to you harder than you gave it.
I may smile and joke with you, but it's only because I'm able to enjoy now knowing the hammer will drop in the future. Because....
Say what you mean."It's a woman's prerogative to change her mind."
Not with me. That's some old Susan B. Anthony stuff that I don't play. Lately, this seems to apply more to the theory of "Friends First". I don't believe in that.
You tell me you want to be my "friend" and you have just paid your admission to the Buddy Club. There's no handstamp, no in and out priviliges. Otherwise, you're being insincere or dishonest.
Regardless, by interacting with me, you forfeit any rights to strike anything from the record. Anything you say now can and will be used against you in the future. And unfortunately, I remember everything.
They all come back.
So be careful what you say or do. Without one exception, people seem to find it kinda difficult to leave my orbit. They may drift for a minute, but a week, a month, a year, 2, 3 years later.... my phone rings, I get that email, that instant message, (Friend Request), text message, maybe even that hand-written letter....
The ladies love me.
I am the Big Brother, Best Friend, Positive Male Figure, Father-Like Authority, The Teacher, The Example. I'm well-liked., well-loved and lusted after. Fortunately, I am a virgin. I shall be so until I am married. I don't blur boundaries, ain't nothing "technical" about me. At this point in my life, I'm not even tempted.
I wish I had more male friends, but I have no desire to participate in conversations revolving around the pursuit of pussy. Even with my Muslim friends, I'm bugged out at the "player" mentality.
I also have limited patience in developing the man-child into a man. It's time to grow up.
So I have an imbalanced amount of female friends. Different kinds. Patnas, buddies, activity partners, friends, and those whom I trust. Every once in awhile, I might see (or think I see) potential for something more meaningful. But I don't play mixed messages.
(See: Say what you mean)
Morals matter.
I am going to judge you by what you do, not what you say you do. Not who you say you are. Not by the size of your cross, your dhikr beads, or how tightly you wrap your hair.
If you're a Muslim, your example should be that of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
If you claim to be a Christian, your example should be that of Jesus (may God be pleased with him).
Your behavior, your actions, your language, your lifestyle should be reflective of that which you claim you believe in.
Or at least you'd have the moral integrity to keep your dirt to yourself.
If your lifestyle is about smoking weed, fuckin, drinking, lying, music videos, talkin shit, "reality" tv... in any combination.... then be honest.
Call yourself what you are.
A Nigger.
At least my white tee-shirt wearing homeboys on the corner have enough integrity to address each other properly.
Please note that it includes some foul language, necessary for emphasis.
I do delete comments.If you leave a raunchy, ignorant, or plain "ghetto" comment I'll probably delete it. If I just plain disagree with you I'll delete your comment. If you use my page or blog to promote any passive-aggressive e-bullshit I will delete it post-haste.
If you use my blog to try and front like we are closer friends than we are, I will make fun of you in private.
I do not accept each Friend Request.
I'll visit your page. I'll count your friends. More than 300? You'll probably get denied on GP (suspicion of being a MySpace whore).
I'll read your comments. I'll view your pictures. I'll view your Friends' pages. I'll read your blogs. I will deny your request and you'll never know why.
(Y'all really should send a message before you add a stranger as a "Friend" anyways. Gonna make me bring Al B. Sure! back to my page.)
Jealousy will get you nowhere.This is new to me. I doubt I will ever read anything, or see a picture or video of you doing something and think to myself, "How come I wasn't invited?" It is, therefore, 10 million times more unlikely that I will ever post a comment, send you an email, or call you up tombout [talking about] some, "Why come you didn't invite me?"
If I'm not in your plans, it's for a reason. If you're not in mine, it's either because you're not that important OR because I can only tolerate so much of you. That's not mean nor rude. Some people, great and entertaining as they are, can only be taken in small doses.
Acting like a jealous beeyotch makes your company even less desireable.
Do what you say.
For real. I neither forgive nor forget. I hold grudges. I bring up old stuff. If you're a flake or a fake, karma herself dictates that it comes back to you harder than you gave it.
I may smile and joke with you, but it's only because I'm able to enjoy now knowing the hammer will drop in the future. Because....
Say what you mean."It's a woman's prerogative to change her mind."
Not with me. That's some old Susan B. Anthony stuff that I don't play. Lately, this seems to apply more to the theory of "Friends First". I don't believe in that.
You tell me you want to be my "friend" and you have just paid your admission to the Buddy Club. There's no handstamp, no in and out priviliges. Otherwise, you're being insincere or dishonest.
Regardless, by interacting with me, you forfeit any rights to strike anything from the record. Anything you say now can and will be used against you in the future. And unfortunately, I remember everything.
They all come back.
So be careful what you say or do. Without one exception, people seem to find it kinda difficult to leave my orbit. They may drift for a minute, but a week, a month, a year, 2, 3 years later.... my phone rings, I get that email, that instant message, (Friend Request), text message, maybe even that hand-written letter....
The ladies love me.
I am the Big Brother, Best Friend, Positive Male Figure, Father-Like Authority, The Teacher, The Example. I'm well-liked., well-loved and lusted after. Fortunately, I am a virgin. I shall be so until I am married. I don't blur boundaries, ain't nothing "technical" about me. At this point in my life, I'm not even tempted.
I wish I had more male friends, but I have no desire to participate in conversations revolving around the pursuit of pussy. Even with my Muslim friends, I'm bugged out at the "player" mentality.
I also have limited patience in developing the man-child into a man. It's time to grow up.
So I have an imbalanced amount of female friends. Different kinds. Patnas, buddies, activity partners, friends, and those whom I trust. Every once in awhile, I might see (or think I see) potential for something more meaningful. But I don't play mixed messages.
(See: Say what you mean)
Morals matter.
I am going to judge you by what you do, not what you say you do. Not who you say you are. Not by the size of your cross, your dhikr beads, or how tightly you wrap your hair.
If you're a Muslim, your example should be that of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
If you claim to be a Christian, your example should be that of Jesus (may God be pleased with him).
Your behavior, your actions, your language, your lifestyle should be reflective of that which you claim you believe in.
Or at least you'd have the moral integrity to keep your dirt to yourself.
If your lifestyle is about smoking weed, fuckin, drinking, lying, music videos, talkin shit, "reality" tv... in any combination.... then be honest.
Call yourself what you are.
A Nigger.
At least my white tee-shirt wearing homeboys on the corner have enough integrity to address each other properly.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
For All My MUSLIMS - "Gangsta Iftar Party"
You gotta know your Islamic references to understand why this is BRILLIANT!!!!!
Friday, May 26, 2006
My Review of X-Men: The Last Stand
Hated It!
To be completely honest... I hated the first one, and barely liked the second one.
But this was horrible.
I mean, really, really horrible.
It had a few saving moments..... an opening fight scene (which we find out is only a f*$'g simulation)...
Cyclops dies, thank God...but he fags up the screen for what seems like 30 minutes with his emo, "I grew a beard cuz I'm sufferring" crap.
Oh yeah, Dr Frasier Crane played The Beast! And hearing him say "Oh my stars and garters" was near worth the price of admission.
Yes.... "I'm the Juggernaut Bitch" was in the movie. And shouting it out loud with 300 other people at 2 in the morning was a wonderful experience.
But.... the movie sucked. They didn't explain anything. They lamed up most of the characters. Too many holes in the plot. Bad acting and baaaad dialogue.
And because I have been a fan of the comic book since I was in elementary school, I'm talking about the Uncanny X-Men... I have to express specific greivences.
-Halle Berry was the worst possible actor to play Storm. Ever. It's should have been Angela Bassett. Or dang, Sanaa Lathan before she sold out with "Something New"
-They did a piss-poor job of using Jean Grey as the Phoenix, and in typical Hollywood fashion, instead of explaining it properly, took a shortcut and said she had some kind of split personality bullcrap.
-No Sentinels
-They killed Professor X in a crappy way, that served no purpose.
-Complete misuse of the Morlocks, bordering on disrespect.
-trying to create a "hidden passion" love angle between Wolverine and Jean Grey was annoying as hell.
-they made one of the ORIGINAL X-Men, Angel, into a bit-part, lame loser of a character. WEAK!
-what the heck happened to the entire storyline of X-Men 2, with Wolverine finding out the truth about his past? Weapon X!
-I'm having a really hard time understanding how they can take a comic book, make a SATURDAY MORNING CARTOON out of it, and then make a series of movies that's not even as good as the dang cartoon.
I don't even want to think about this movie anymore.
If you're a fan of the comics, I already know you're going to go see this.
And you will hate it.
If you liked the first two movies.... I don't know what's wrong with you.
But, aside from some entertaining moments, some awesome effects, and some great one-liners from Wolverine and Magneto.... This move was horrid and terrible.
Stay away.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Day 1-6 of The Master Cleanse
Okay... I figured this may be useful to anybody who was thinking about doing some form of detox, fast or diet.
First off, READ the book! It will take you about 20 minutes.
The Master Cleanse <---click for the 30 page book!
If you don't read the book, and understand what you're doing and WHY... man... you'll be in trouble from day uno.
So let's start there...
Day One:
I drank a mug of Smooth Move tea the night before. First thing that morning, I prepared the salt-water wash... I'm not gonna lie. This was one of the most difficult things I have ever done.
Imagine drinking a quart of chicken broth.... Minus the chicken, herbs, spices and seasonings. And at room temperature.
dis gus ting
But I drank it in less than five minutes.
Soon after, I was hit with a mild wave of nausea, which kinda scared me, because in all disgusting honesty, I'd rather crap my pants than vomit.
Fortunately, it passed... and it took about 30 minutes for my stomach to realize what I had put in it. Which it quickly wanted OUT of my body.
So I hit the toilet, and stayed in that general area for the next hour. Back and forth, back and forth.
But after that.... EZ Street.
The lemonade actually tastes really good. You'd never think that cayanne pepper has it's place in it, but it makes it good, and settles your stomach.
Day Two:
I want to eat.... Anything, I don't care. Dead, alive, raw, horse, cow, frog, pizza, chili... dang.
Day Three:
A word to the wise.... If you can get through the initial hunger pangs, it's all good. I only "want" food now, but I'm not hungry, or weak, or tired, or dizzy or any of the things I feared.
I made it through a full work day today, nos weat at all, and I'm heading now from work (Sunday) to go and pick up a couple of dozen lemons, and I think by tomorrow I should be in the swing of things.
We shall see...
Day Four:
Okay.... it's Tuesday, and at this point, I can't believe that I haven't eaten ANYTHING since Friday. I'm not hungry, I'm just greedy.
My thoughts at this time revolve around BBQ.... sticky, sweet, tangy BBQ.
That and Round Table Pizza. And Zachary's Pizza. And chicken tikka masala with a warm, chewy naan. Oh, and calzone.
Alright, food is on my mind, but I'm not hungry, I'm not weak or dizzy or low on energy. I've been sleeping between 6-8 hours a night for the last 4 nights, which is about double my normal, so good habits abound!
On an unrelated note... my tongue is white. (As far as I can tell) my breath is pleasant, but my tongue is covered by a white film, which is to be expected, as a sign of the body releasing toxins.
No food since Friday, and no looking back.
4 days down
10 days to go.
Day Five:
Today was a test.
It's really easy to do something difficult and challenging while in a controlled situation. Much like in a relationship, you don't judge somebody by how they treat you while things are going well.
The true test of Man (and WOman) is on how we behave when things get a bit out of control. If your husband or wife, while upset, angry, mad, offended, enraged, or otherwise peeved, if he or she still communicates with you respectfully, refraining from ignorance, hatred or anger... That's your real test.
Anybody can act right on Christmas.
Today was crazy. And without going into too much detail, today I was confronted and "cornered" (can you really corner somebody my size? nah, it was emotionally trying to back me into a corner...) by somebody whom I had been avoiding since January.
Avoiding is the wrong word, and the wrong description.
Friend, long time, many many years, over ten years.
She was cut off in January.
She has had a death in her family, and she has turned to me.
Of course, I am a bad person for saying, "inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun (To God we belong, and to Him is our return), and I'm sorry for your loss, and you and your family are in my prayers..."
But that's it. Bad news isn't an occassion to hop on the Let's Kick It Express.
That's the short version, of course.... this is supposed to be about my experience with the Cleanse.
Mentally, emotionally, that alone was enough to shake me from my foundation a bit.... I mean, righteous indignation is hard work!
But when, between job #2 and job #3, my car decided to be a retard and stop working... If I had had a salisbury steak, some mashed potatos, heck, if there had been some stale goldfish crackers I would have torn into them... strictly out of anger.
But there weren't, so I didn't.
And in the end, I'm really glad I didn't, cuz I'm now looking at Day Six, which is almost Day Seven, which is HALFWAY!
And if I can make it on a day like today.... Tomorrow night at midnight, watching the new X-Men movie, snacking on *sigh* water and sneaked in lemon/maple/cayenne drink... That should be no problem, right?
Day Six:
Today was good. On the advice of Shelli Belli, I decided to make a lime juice instead of lemons. Wow. It's like discovering a 3rd Reese's Peanut Butter Cup in the package of 2, this is revolutionary, I have a whole new meal, a new liquid sanctuary!
I don't know what's more exciting.... The fact that I am almost HALFWAY through my 2 week fast, or the fact that I am 90 minutes from premiering the new X-Men movie.
No offense to the X-Men... but this is major. I haven't eaten since Friday, I feel pretty great, AND I've moved one notch lower on my belt already...
I've been talking to a lot of people about this, and I get similar reactions from most. So I feel like saying this...
This is not the hardest thing I have ever done.
It's not.
I mean, I am a 29 year old virgin with a sometime active social/dating life.
At this point, even that ain't too difficult for me to manage.
But I got a bag of white chocolate macadamia cookies from Subway in my hand.
These cookies used to be my crack
Yeah, I opened the bag.
I looked at 'em.
I inhaled their sweet, sweet aroma.
But I don't even want them.
Gimme my cayelimaple drink.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Tomorrow Is Another Day
I'm behind in everything not work-related.
How many of you know that I am moving soon?
Well, I am... 11 days and counting (insha Allah) until I move into my beautiful new place.
Yeah.... And with me working 1, 2, no 3 jobs now, it's starting to kick my butt a little.
The free time I do have, it's been hard for me to use properly. I'm behind in returning emails, witty comments, checking my voicemail. I come home, eat, sit (check MySpace), sleep, wake up (check MySpace), shower, work, go to new work, go to my last work (check MySpace), to head home again...
8:30 am to 11pm...
Not that I am complaining. Cuz I'm not.... Truth be told, I'm in negotiations to take up a light weekend job.
But the hustle does not come without consequence.
My eating habits have been horrible in these last few months.
For those who don't know, between December 2004 and July 2005, I lost 60 pounds.
Besides the fact that I was in the gym every night, it's because I was not eating ice cream (Tofutti Cuties), cheesecake, popcorn, IN THE BED.
Can't say that's true now. I've put 25 of that 60 back.
Both Ben and Jerry can go to hell.
After month followed by month of moving notch and notch higher on my belt.... enough is too much. Somethng has to be done.
Enter: The Master Cleanse.
Starting tomorrow.... Nothing but lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne pepper. 14 days minimum.
Not just because I'm putting on lbs. But because I desire control.
And I ain't done a cleanse since I was living in LA.
So tomorrow.... Friday, it begins.
Things will be good....
How many of you know that I am moving soon?
Well, I am... 11 days and counting (insha Allah) until I move into my beautiful new place.
Yeah.... And with me working 1, 2, no 3 jobs now, it's starting to kick my butt a little.
The free time I do have, it's been hard for me to use properly. I'm behind in returning emails, witty comments, checking my voicemail. I come home, eat, sit (check MySpace), sleep, wake up (check MySpace), shower, work, go to new work, go to my last work (check MySpace), to head home again...
8:30 am to 11pm...
Not that I am complaining. Cuz I'm not.... Truth be told, I'm in negotiations to take up a light weekend job.
But the hustle does not come without consequence.
My eating habits have been horrible in these last few months.
For those who don't know, between December 2004 and July 2005, I lost 60 pounds.
Besides the fact that I was in the gym every night, it's because I was not eating ice cream (Tofutti Cuties), cheesecake, popcorn, IN THE BED.
Can't say that's true now. I've put 25 of that 60 back.
Both Ben and Jerry can go to hell.
After month followed by month of moving notch and notch higher on my belt.... enough is too much. Somethng has to be done.
Enter: The Master Cleanse.
Starting tomorrow.... Nothing but lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne pepper. 14 days minimum.
Not just because I'm putting on lbs. But because I desire control.
And I ain't done a cleanse since I was living in LA.
So tomorrow.... Friday, it begins.
Things will be good....
Saturday, May 13, 2006
I'd Probably Be A Christian Too
Let me tell y'all....
Rachelle Ferrell is a spiritual experience.
DAMN. Everytime I see her, it's like I have forgotten what I have learned.
Her energy, her honesty, her openness, she is living her dream, and everytime I have seen her.... she puts on the best show of her life.
Which can't be easy.... since that is what we, fans, expect.
During one portion of the show, she calls into the audience for a Brotha called "BJ" and another called "Jubu" to join her onstage. This is clearly unscripted, as it takes an eternity for them to get onstage. We learn that BJ sings in a quartet, and Jubu plays the GIT-tar and has co-written a song with Rachelle.
So they do what Masters do. They jam.
And it starts out innocently enough... a slow, bluesy song.
Rachelle does the lyrics.
Jubu does an amazing GIT-tar solo.
And then Rachelle nods for BJ to sing.
Again... innocently enough.
Brotha has a real smooth voice, and he makes up some words as he gets comfortable...
Then.... he says the Jee word.
And the crowd, of course, being 90 percent Black and on a Sunday night, begins to stir.
He sings: "How many of y'all been to church this morning?"
Half the crowd begins waving their warms and swaying in their seats.
And then it happens.
The music changes.
The bass kicks. The drums hit. Hard.
The keyboard suddenly becomes an organ.
And I feel it.
I feel it.
The lurching in my stomach. The desire to scream, dance, shout, leap, to touch somebody, anybody....
This is significant. I have only been to "church" once.
As a youth, I was invited to attend church with a friend of mine from school. I couldn't have been older than 11. The Pastor during a break in the sermon, asked for visitors to join him upfront, introduce themselves to the congregation.
So I did.
My friend and his family were at my masjid that Friday.
So anyways.... for me to be sitting up in this concert, with my SPIRIT wanting to jump out of my body, is major.
And at that exact moment, I realized two things.
1) "I am having a major spiritual experience right now."
2) "I truly can not allow myself to be in the moment"
But we'll stick with number one, since it messed me up, and is changing the way I see everything around me.
I think many/most people confuse spiritual with religious.
Meaning, they confuse spiritual experiences with religious experiences.
Spiritual beliefs with Religious Beliefs.
Spiritual Truth with Religious Truth.
This is important as heck.
Cuz the Spiritual and Religious worlds are not exclusive to each other.
Spiritual: Of, or having to do with, the Spirit.
Religious: Of, or having to do with, Religion.
Easy enough.... until you get into the definition of Religion.
Religion is made up of two words.
Re: means to do again, to go back, (to REpeat)
The word lig is a Latin word that means to bind or tie (tightly) or to connect.
(some people substitute the word lig with LIGHT, thereby making Religion returning to Light.... but I'm not using this.)
So by definition, Religion would be Reconnecting, Rebinding or Retightening.... to God or with God.
So as I'm sitting in my seat, listening to the sounds, my skin tingling and my ears buzzing, thinking, "Man... if church feels like this, I am missing OUT!"
I'm a Muslim. During our religious services, we have no house band.
At no point have I ever felt compelled during a khutbah (sermon or address) to jump up and run through the aisles. Screaming, shouting, speaking in English or Arabic.
For some people.... that feeling is Religion to them.
And they are wrong.
I live in Oakland.
The only thing more common on our streets than liquor stores, are churches.
And you would think, that if the church experience was a Religious one, then there would be some serious Rebinding, Reconnecting and Retightening with God in the O.
En masse.
But there is not.
And this is because the Black Church Experience is not about Religion. At best, it's a treat for the spirit. A show. Hooting and hollering in 5 part harmony.
A feeling.
Not growth.
The story of Jesus in the Bible, and the way that it is taught to Negroes, is not designed to help us grow. To develop. To improve.
Massa did not give us Christianity to do anything other than pacify us. It's like going to the Apollo Theater for Amateur Night.
It's a show.
Laugh, cry, dance, sing,
Come back next week and do the same thing.
Is there any good to it?
Of course there is.
Or do they actually contribute to keep Niggas in line?
Rachelle Ferrell is a spiritual experience.
DAMN. Everytime I see her, it's like I have forgotten what I have learned.
Her energy, her honesty, her openness, she is living her dream, and everytime I have seen her.... she puts on the best show of her life.
Which can't be easy.... since that is what we, fans, expect.
During one portion of the show, she calls into the audience for a Brotha called "BJ" and another called "Jubu" to join her onstage. This is clearly unscripted, as it takes an eternity for them to get onstage. We learn that BJ sings in a quartet, and Jubu plays the GIT-tar and has co-written a song with Rachelle.
So they do what Masters do. They jam.
And it starts out innocently enough... a slow, bluesy song.
Rachelle does the lyrics.
Jubu does an amazing GIT-tar solo.
And then Rachelle nods for BJ to sing.
Again... innocently enough.
Brotha has a real smooth voice, and he makes up some words as he gets comfortable...
Then.... he says the Jee word.
And the crowd, of course, being 90 percent Black and on a Sunday night, begins to stir.
He sings: "How many of y'all been to church this morning?"
Half the crowd begins waving their warms and swaying in their seats.
And then it happens.
The music changes.
The bass kicks. The drums hit. Hard.
The keyboard suddenly becomes an organ.
And I feel it.
I feel it.
The lurching in my stomach. The desire to scream, dance, shout, leap, to touch somebody, anybody....
This is significant. I have only been to "church" once.
As a youth, I was invited to attend church with a friend of mine from school. I couldn't have been older than 11. The Pastor during a break in the sermon, asked for visitors to join him upfront, introduce themselves to the congregation.
So I did.
My friend and his family were at my masjid that Friday.
So anyways.... for me to be sitting up in this concert, with my SPIRIT wanting to jump out of my body, is major.
And at that exact moment, I realized two things.
1) "I am having a major spiritual experience right now."
2) "I truly can not allow myself to be in the moment"
But we'll stick with number one, since it messed me up, and is changing the way I see everything around me.
I think many/most people confuse spiritual with religious.
Meaning, they confuse spiritual experiences with religious experiences.
Spiritual beliefs with Religious Beliefs.
Spiritual Truth with Religious Truth.
This is important as heck.
Cuz the Spiritual and Religious worlds are not exclusive to each other.
Spiritual: Of, or having to do with, the Spirit.
Religious: Of, or having to do with, Religion.
Easy enough.... until you get into the definition of Religion.
Religion is made up of two words.
Re: means to do again, to go back, (to REpeat)
The word lig is a Latin word that means to bind or tie (tightly) or to connect.
(some people substitute the word lig with LIGHT, thereby making Religion returning to Light.... but I'm not using this.)
So by definition, Religion would be Reconnecting, Rebinding or Retightening.... to God or with God.
So as I'm sitting in my seat, listening to the sounds, my skin tingling and my ears buzzing, thinking, "Man... if church feels like this, I am missing OUT!"
I'm a Muslim. During our religious services, we have no house band.
At no point have I ever felt compelled during a khutbah (sermon or address) to jump up and run through the aisles. Screaming, shouting, speaking in English or Arabic.
For some people.... that feeling is Religion to them.
And they are wrong.
I live in Oakland.
The only thing more common on our streets than liquor stores, are churches.
And you would think, that if the church experience was a Religious one, then there would be some serious Rebinding, Reconnecting and Retightening with God in the O.
En masse.
But there is not.
And this is because the Black Church Experience is not about Religion. At best, it's a treat for the spirit. A show. Hooting and hollering in 5 part harmony.
A feeling.
Not growth.
The story of Jesus in the Bible, and the way that it is taught to Negroes, is not designed to help us grow. To develop. To improve.
Massa did not give us Christianity to do anything other than pacify us. It's like going to the Apollo Theater for Amateur Night.
It's a show.
Laugh, cry, dance, sing,
Come back next week and do the same thing.
Is there any good to it?
Of course there is.
You better watch out,
You better not cry,
You better not pout,
I'm telling you why:
You better not cry,
You better not pout,
I'm telling you why:
________ is coming to town!
He's making a list,
He's checking it twice,
He's gonna find out
who's naughty or nice.
He's checking it twice,
He's gonna find out
who's naughty or nice.
_________ is coming to town!
He sees you when you're sleeping,
He knows when you're awake.
He knows when you've been bad or good,
So be good for goodness sake!
He knows when you're awake.
He knows when you've been bad or good,
So be good for goodness sake!
Substitute "Jesus" for "Santa" and you have pretty much summed up Christianity.
The Christian use of Jesus and God is one designed to control behavior, but not to help people spiritually grow.
Where you learn how to act or present yourself in certain situations, but never accept your own Divinity, your own Power, and your Divine Destiny.
Looking at these Oakland neighborhoods, are the surrounding communities improved by the presence of corner churches?
Or do they actually contribute to keep Niggas in line?
In its history, has the Black Church helped free us from promiscuity?
Alcohol abuse?
Drug abuse?
Child abuse?
Spousal abuse?
Alcohol abuse?
Drug abuse?
Child abuse?
Spousal abuse?
Are Black People moving forward in the world, or are we constantly and consistently passed by other ethnic groups and immigrant communities?
141 years after the abolition of slavery, 45 years after the ending of Jim Crow, why are Black People so far behind?
The Answer... as a whole, we are Historically Ignorant.
And Spiritually Retarded.
Because the "Religion" that Massa gave us to keep 1000 slaves from revolting against 10 overseers, Niggas still cling to.
The White Man's Jesus does not empower.
He teaches you to accept your sufferring, your condition, your fate.
And not to change it.
And if I didn't know any better...
Friday, April 28, 2006
The Truth about me...
After reading this, I realize this is way more random than I intended. Deal.
Last night I realized a few things...
I really really do hate alcohol, and I can't stand being around who are drinking. I don't care if it is whiskey, moonshine, beer, Zima, "just a white wine," malt liquor....
The smell of it is repulsive, and the drunken enthusiasm of an inebriated female is not flattering at all, in any way. Even on a night when I may be feeling kinda lonely, vulnerable, in need of an ego stroke.
"You're SO tall!!
How tall are you???
You're SO TALL!!!
Ohmygod I loooove your hair! Can you do my hair like that???"
Speaking of which... I am 99.995 percent confident that I could never ever date a white woman.
Can't do it.
I can remember the first time somebody referred to me as "The Truth Sayer"
I own the Truth.
I feel entitled, empowered to speak Truth without fear of how it seems, or what people might think.
Me in a romantic relationship with a white woman would have a pack of ku klux klansmen outside of our home less than a week after the honeymoon.
"He said WHAT??? String 'im up!"
When I look at these 2006 whiteboys, asians, filipinos, mexicans...
I want to tell them:
After reading this, I realize this is way more random than I intended. Deal.
Last night I realized a few things...
I really really do hate alcohol, and I can't stand being around who are drinking. I don't care if it is whiskey, moonshine, beer, Zima, "just a white wine," malt liquor....
The smell of it is repulsive, and the drunken enthusiasm of an inebriated female is not flattering at all, in any way. Even on a night when I may be feeling kinda lonely, vulnerable, in need of an ego stroke.
"You're SO tall!!
How tall are you???
You're SO TALL!!!
Ohmygod I loooove your hair! Can you do my hair like that???"
Speaking of which... I am 99.995 percent confident that I could never ever date a white woman.
Can't do it.
I can remember the first time somebody referred to me as "The Truth Sayer"
I own the Truth.
I feel entitled, empowered to speak Truth without fear of how it seems, or what people might think.
Me in a romantic relationship with a white woman would have a pack of ku klux klansmen outside of our home less than a week after the honeymoon.
"He said WHAT??? String 'im up!"
When I look at these 2006 whiteboys, asians, filipinos, mexicans...
I want to tell them:
"Turn your f*$&ing hat around. WE started wearing them to the back!"
"Pull up your f^*$ing pants! There is no logical reason for you to SAG!"
"Put the damn G's back on the end of your words! You are neither from the Hood nor the Streets!"
I digress.
In my observations and analysis of different folk in my life, I know that I completely trust myself with whatever I feel.
But, when I try to express to someone else why I'm closer to person A than to person B, it's tough for me to say anything beyond, "Because I am."
But I have a great example.
I do what I say.
And I say what I do.
That's me.
My friend called me this morning to ask, "Hey, are we still on for breakfast tomorrow?"
My thinking is, of course we are, if I had a change of mind or plans, I would have called you to let you know. You would never have to call me to find out if I was still going to do something that I said I would.
So, I realize how much it does bother me when people do not do as they say.
It really does.
Big things. Small things. Don't matter.
I made a cameo at the Spoken Word spot last week and read something.
Afterwards, during the whole after-function awkward mingling thing, I ended up in a conversation with somebody about my monniker, "The Truth Sayer" and the piece I read.
She said, "It's like you say what most people think. That's deep."
I replied, "No... I say what people would think if they could."
That's deep.
In truth, lots of these thoughts are inspired by specific events, specific people, yes. I may be talking about you.
But, whether I'm speaking to you, about you, or not addressing you at all... it doesn't really matter.
It's still Truth.
And contrary to popular opinion, Truth is NOT relative.
Truth Is.
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