Sunday, June 22, 2008

Fidel Castro > Obama

If you don't know THE TRUTH about Fidel Castro, why he is an ally and a friend to Africans, African Americans and the people of the Diaspora, this is not the place to learn.

The following is an article written by Fidel Castro.

My questions for Obama

The brightest and best of the presidential hopefuls seeks to extend a cruel, immoral Cuba blockade
It would be dishonest of me to remain silent after hearing Barack Obama's speech delivered at the Cuban American National Foundation last Friday. I feel no resentment towards him, for he is not responsible for the crimes perpetrated against Cuba and humanity. Were I to defend him, I would do his adversaries a favour. I have therefore no reservations about criticising him and expressing myself frankly.

What were Obama's statements? "Throughout my entire life, there has been injustice and repression in Cuba. Never, in my lifetime, have the people of Cuba known freedom. Never, in the lives of two generations of Cubans, have the people of Cuba known democracy ... I won't stand for this injustice ... I will maintain the embargo."

This man who is doubtless, from the social and human points of view, the most progressive candidate for the US presidency, portrays the Cuban revolution as anti-democratic and lacking in respect for freedom and human rights. It is the same argument US administrations have used again and again to justify crimes against our country. The blockade is an act of genocide. I don't want to see US children inculcated with those shameful values.

No small and blockaded country like ours would have been able to hold its ground for so long on the basis of ambition, vanity, deceit or the abuse of power, the kind of power its neighbour has. To state otherwise is an insult to the intelligence of our heroic people.

I am not questioning Obama's great intelligence, his debating skills or his work ethic. He is a talented orator and is ahead of his rivals in the electoral race. Nevertheless, I am obliged to raise a number of delicate questions. I do not expect answers; I wish only to raise them for the record.

Is it right for the president of the US to order the assassination of any one person in the world, whatever the pretext? Is it ethical for the president of the US to order the torture of other human beings? Should state terrorism be used by a country as powerful as the US as an instrument to bring peace to the planet?

Is an Adjustment Act, applied as punishment to only one country, Cuba, in order to destabilise it, good and honourable when it costs innocent children and mothers their lives? Are the brain drain and the continuous theft of the best scientific and intellectual minds in poor countries moral and justifiable?

Is it fair to stage pre-emptive attacks? Is it honourable and sane to invest millions and millions of dollars in the military-industrial complex, to produce weapons that can destroy life on earth several times over? Is that the way in which the US expresses its respect for freedom, democracy and human rights?

Before judging our country, Obama should know that Cuba - with its education, health, sports, culture and science programmes, implemented not only in its own territory but also in other poor countries around the world, and in spite of the economic and financial blockade and the aggression of his powerful country - is proof that much can be done with very little. Cuba has never subordinated cooperation with other countries to ideological requirements. We offered the US our help when hurricane Katrina lashed the city of New Orleans. Our revolution can mobilise tens of thousands of doctors and health technicians. It can mobilise an equally vast number of teachers and citizens who are willing to travel to any corner of the world to fulfil any noble purpose, not to usurp rights or take possession of raw materials.

The goodwill and determination of people constitute limitless resources that would not fit in the vault of a bank. They cannot spring from the hypocritical politics of an empire.

· Fidel Castro is former president of Cuba. This is an edited version of an article that appeared in Granma, the Cuban Communist party newspaper

Friday, June 20, 2008

Chemtrails over Berkeley

I took these pictures while leaving my office in Berkeley this afternoon.

It wasn't until people noticed me taking pictures of the sky that they, too, began looking up and wondering.... What the f@$ is that?
"Chemtrails," I said. "Damn Chemtrails."

An older white dude quickly said, "It's just condensation, probably from a low flying airplane."

I asked him if he knew what Chemtrails were. He, being the white man that he was, decided to correct my broken Black english.

"Contrails. They're called contrails."

"Oh," I said to Mr. White Man. This was going to be fun, AND, I had an audience. "So that's from condensation?"

He agreed. Good.

"Mr White Man," I said. "That looks pretty low to me, (and you can judge from the pictures above) are regular ol' planes allowed to fly that low above major cities with all this 9/11 stuff going on?" Saying 9/11 obviously kept the audience interested in our exchange.

I continued. "And... it's gotta be over 90 degrees today. Would these be the ideal weather conditions for condensation to occur on a plane, in your opinion? Especially one flying so close to the ground?"

If I wasn't already so tall, I would have stepped onto a soapbox.

"Those are Chemtrails, people. Those are intentional sprayings. Just like farmers spray DDT or whatever pesticides over their crops, the gubment is spraying us too. Just thought you should know."

I told the 4 people who wanted more information what I will now tell you, dear reader.

Whether you believe it or not, the gubment/military spends billions of dollars each year on some creepy shit. Mind control/psi-ops, propaganda, futuristic weapons, rap music, focus groups and market research for selling wars, and.... weather control.

"Whether" you believe in it or not.

I don't wanna get all preachy, but here are the basics on Chemtrails.
(From Chemtrail Central)

Weather Modification
Humans have had the ability to physically affect the weather since learning how to seed clouds in 1946, or possibly 1880. The popular conception of weather manipulation is limited to cloud seeding, but the possibility that the extents of our abilities may have progressed in the meantime is definitely plausible. The fact that the military is very interested in weather control is no secret and many propose that the Chemtrail Phenomena is a part of this. If true, what is the goal of the weather modification and what negative effects could it have on the environment? NASA is currently conducting several programs that are studying the effects of contrails on weather and the effects do not appear to be beneficial. Population Control
The use of chemical and biological agents by a government against it's own people is, unfortunately, a historical fact. Even unintentional accidents can occur. But, some people suggest that Chemtrails could actually be part of a program to reduce the population and many feel Chemtrails have caused them to become ill and perhaps they are right. If the Chemtrails contain biological agents then people already weakened by other factors may have even died as a result of the additional strain on their systems, but could such a diabolical purpose be the ultimate goal? History has taught that even the most unconscionable schemes can be made into reality by men filled with fear and hate, and with such weapons in the hands of government we must remain vigilant until answers are forthcoming. Inoculation Program
Chemical and biological weapons have been used for centuries but have recently entered the world stage as a primary threat. Biological agents have the ability to spread and multiply in casualties. These bioweapons are easy to produce and difficult, but possible, to defend against. The recent actions of the military to require anthrax vaccines for all service personnel show that this matter is of high importance. Some propose that the government may be quietly releasing bioagents to vaccinate citizens via the air. This could account for reported illnesses since a vaccine sometimes makes a person sick. Municipal water supplies might not be universal enough and could be easily sampled and tested, but everyone breathes the air. And the federal government rules the air.

You don't have to believe in it.
I bet when they first found Flouride in tap water, nobody believed it either.
Then they straight up found chloroform, arsenic, copper and nitrates in it.
NOW the big news is prescription drug residue in our tap water.
If you chose not to read the news, you could say, "I don't believe it." and dismiss it, just that easily.

But it would still be there.

Wanna know more.

To start: just Google words like Chemtrails, see what comes up.
Then, try HAARP. You'd be amazed.
Youtube also has a number of videos, if you're interested in finding out just what (might be) out there.






The white people who committed the most violent, heinous, unnatural atrocities against mankind...

They had kids.



Never underestimate them.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Barry Obama does not like Muslims

Let's hear it for "change" right?

Muslim Barack Obama fans told to hide from television cameras

Barack Obama's campaign has been forced to apologize to two Muslim women barred from sitting behind him at a public event.

About one in eight Americans falsely believes Barack Obama is Muslim
The two women in headscarves were asked not to sit in view of cameras at a rally in Detroit on Monday, where Al Gore endorsed Mr Obama.

Hebba Aref, a 25-year-old lawyer, told Politico magazine: "I was coming to support him, and I felt like I was discriminated against.

"The message that I thought was delivered to us was that they do not want him associated with Muslims or Muslim supporters."

Miss Aref's friend Ali Koussan, a law student, said that a volunteer "explained to me that because of the political climate and what's going on in the world ... it's not good for her to be seen on TV or associated with Obama."

A second woman was told to take off her headscarf if she wanted to sit in the special seats.

Polls show that around one in eight Americans falsely believe that Mr Obama is Muslim.

Campaign spokesman Bill Burton said: "This is of course not the policy of the campaign. It is offensive and counter to Obama's commitment to bring Americans together and simply not the kind of campaign we run.
"We sincerely apologise for the behaviour of these volunteers."

But the incident highlights the degree to which Mr Obama's campaign is concerned with traditional political image making, something his promise to change American politics claims to eschew.

While he grew up and was schooled in Indonesia, a Muslim nation, Mr Obama's campaign has repeatedly denied that he was ever a Muslim.

Until he resigned over the furor surrounding his former's pastor's comments, Mr Obama has worshipped for more than 20 years at the same Chicago church.


Once a politician knows that no matter what he says or does, he has your vote, your 100 percent loyalty, you will see more and more tomfoolery. You will have to make more and more excuses for his shady business.

Just like his "speech" on Father's Day, his declaration of war against Iran, Obama fans are going to spend the next 5 months making excuses for this dude when he has never done anything to earn your loyalty.

He is a politician.

Can you believe I used to have a crush on this woman?

Call me old fashioned, but I don't think her hairline is supposed to look like that.