Monday, April 2, 2007

Black People SUCK

Please watch.

There are so many things wrong with this video.

1- FAT dude punches skinny dude (with all of his fat fury), skinny dude continues to rap. FAT dude needs to kill himself.
2- FAT (Samoan?) dude drops "nigga" at least 6 times, both en rap, and in his "I can't punch" frustration.
3- Black people did nothing.

Black people suck these days. Period.

Bill Cosby is right.
Spike Lee is right.
Will Smith is right.
I am right.

First off, I don't let BLACK people call me nigga/nigger/ni99a, whatever. Ever. I probably would not lay hands on you, but I will say something to make you wish I had just hit you.

I will never in the history of my life be in some public place on camera when one of my (Hawaiian?) homeboys decides to be an honorary nigger.

This is no isolated incident. To those OUTSIDE of the African-American community, being called a "nigga" is the greatest badge of honor they can wear.

"Oh, Robin Thick, you ain't a whiteboy! You be one of us! You a nigga too!"
Am I exaggerating? Google: nigga Robin Thicke and tell me what you come back with...

Yes, I am going somewhere with this... hold tight.

I made a comment in JLa's blog the other day. Some white dude called her his "nizzle" and I responded that she needed to train her white people better.

The truth is, you have to train everybody. Whatever your values are, your cultural values, you have to train people as to what's okay and what's not.

You want your employees to show up to work on time?
You have to make that expectation clear from jump. (trust me)

Fellas, like going out on dates but hate paying all the time?
Well, you can either complain about it in your blog, or be upfront, "Ya know baby, this is how I feel......."

Women, are you being okay called a bitch or a ho?
Some women are. Many women are.

Those who are not make it clear anytime the line is crossed, anytime the line is approached or looked at. She doesn't play that.

That's what happens when you have VALUES.

But.... as a whole, Black people do not. Our values are:
"Don't Be A Hater" (in this danceree)
"Stop Snitching"
"All About My Money"
"I Don't Give a Fuck"

As of April 2nd, there have been over 100 murders in the city of Philadelphia in 2007. Please believe that 95 percent of those killed are Black.

We got kids shooting and killing kids, terrorizing communities, selling and using drugs, and yet STOP SNITCHIN is still the neighborhood law.

We got a cultural hijacking of this thing formerly known as Hip-Hop, it is being used to sell to us what we created, pre-packaging our culturalisms so that suburban kids can fulfill their lifelong dreams of kickin' it with the homies and getting street cred from mah niggas.

If you have no values, you have no worth.

If you have no values, you have no worth.
If you have no worth, it's got to be difficult to imagine anybody else's life having worth or meaning either.

Which makes it incredibly easy to waste your life....

or to take another's.

People say it's about jobs, or education, opportunities, but they are deadededed wrong.

It's about values.
It's about worth.

And until we campaign and message about our values as a community, not a thing will improve.

So long as it's perfectly normal for a Black boy or a Black girl to grow up without a father, nothing will get better.

So long as it's competely "natural" for a Black boy to be MURDERED by another Black boy and there is no tangible sense of outrage and intolerance, understand that it will continue... it's not even the summer yet.

And..... so long as these retarded crack baby offspring continue to have babies of their own..... things.... will.... get.... much..... worse.

Train your people.
Train every one of them.
Start today.

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