Sunday, July 17, 2005

The Absolute Truth (R Kelly & Others)

I read this on a messageboard:

Does anyone know why R. Kelly can sell 500,000 records when he is on tape having sex and peeing on the face of a minor? Because the minor doesn't have a name like Kate Faber or Elizabeth Smart. No one in the media cares about a black 14 year old girl even if there is proof on a tape. They care more about a 19 year old white woman, with the semen of another man dripping out of her hours after leaving Kobe, than a 14 year old black girl. If that was a white girl in the R. Kelly video, he would have been hung by now, especially as a black man. With a white girl on that tape, Nancy Grace of CNN would make sure of it. She crucified Kobe and Michael OFF NO EVIDENCE. Imagine what she would have done with a tape. R. Kelly would not be singing about Closets for sure and he sure as hell would have been on trial by now.

Whether or not we like to admit it... as Black people, we are both the victims and the perpetrators of the worst form of violence against our women.
A lethal combination of racism and misogyny.

How many women do you know who have been raped, molested, or the victim of sexual violence?

Our continued support of this man, and of ALL of those like him, is a slap in the face to those who paved the way for us to stand with dignity. There was a time, go figure, when the Black Man was actually the PROTECTOR of the Black Woman. Now.... the role of predator has become quite acceptable.

Now, in perhaps a final act of perversion, those who hate our women, our mothers, our Sistas the most, are the most lusted after in our community.

I had this conversation with a friend of mine over IMs a few weeks ago.... I hope she doesn't mind me using her IM name.

Grab some tea, turn down the music.... because this convo is realer than real:

poeticslam: Okay.... Ludacris is officially a gay
lockdsistah: a gay, huh?
poeticslam: The video he shot in Afrika
poeticslam: "Pimpin' All Over The World"
lockdsistah: oh, you just now seeing would have been so beautiful IF the lyrics weren't
poeticslam: Features the Afrocentric hook... "Sing it hoes"
lockdsistah: riiiight....
lockdsistah: sing it hoes is in the song?
lockdsistah: NO...A GAYER one is Kanye Wests Blood Diamonds.  i thought he was going to drop some knowledge on the diamond trade in Sierra Leone...but it's about his record label...but THE VIDEO is little kids farmin these blood diamonds
lockdsistah: I was DISAPPOINTED...that COULD have been something, but he went the nigga route
lockdsistah: oh well
poeticslam: Yeah... artists ca$hing in on "Consciousness"
poeticslam: I don't even count Kanye because he is actually a bunghole impaling homo
poeticslam: Luda had a 2nd chance
lockdsistah: wow@bunghole impaling homo...strong words
lockdsistah: I think he's trying...Luda IS trying...
poeticslam: Trying is failing
poeticslam: If you put it out, and made money on it... you failed
poeticslam: I am close to cursing
poeticslam: "Sing it hoes"Y
lockdsistah: Does he REALLy say that...sing it hoes?
lockdsistah: I've only heard the song a couple of times
poeticslam: He really does
lockdsistah: *smh*
poeticslam: Your buddy
poeticslam: I'll BRB, prayer time
lockdsistah: Oh! Lil Kim going to jail
poeticslam: Only for a year.... but it's a start
lockdsistah: she was quoted to saying that she was a god fearing christian...and she's going to the connecticut jail to be closer to her mother...from the woman who made "hardcore"
lockdsistah: My post on imgrown about the topic...
lockdsistah: She said she was a God-Fearing Christian...did she REALLY say that? Did she expect anybody to BELIEVE that...
And she's going to a Connecticut jail to be "closer to her Momma"...
All that from the woman with the album "Hardcore" under her...uh...belt...

I used to be scared of the dick, now I throw lips to the shit. Handle it like a real bitch. Heather Hunter, Janet Jackme- take it in the buns...yeah, that's what's up...

God is FASHO' rockin out to that one....

Trip thing is- I can come VERBATIM with alot of her raunchy joints. That's how much I listened to this GARBAGE as a shorty. Surprised I ain't going to jail.

This ain't her first offense. Her first offense was tellin' lil black girls that its not only OKAY, but exceptable to be a NASSY hoe. She should have went to jail T
lockdsistah: This ain't her first offense. Her first offense was tellin' lil black girls that its not only OKAY, but exceptable to be a NASSY hoe. She should have went to jail THEN.

Lock her up!

My 2 cents

lockdsistah: This is after a couple people posted that "Martha Stewart only got 5 months for lying".
poeticslam: Yeah.... EXACTLY!
poeticslam: I don't believe in defending Martha Stewart, she should have gotten years, too
poeticslam: I love that "This is not her first offense"
poeticslam: That is SO on point
lockdsistah: yeah...and I used to LOVE lil' kim...she was REAL to me.  Sucks what young minds think up
poeticslam: Don't it???
poeticslam: Nobody could tell you nothing
poeticslam: People "love" her cuz she's black, or ghetto, or famous
poeticslam: Loyalty.....
lockdsistah: Also because she was seen as an "answer" to what the boys were putting out.  She was the "comeback".  But in reality, we went from a man calling us hoes to ourselves calling us hoes...
lockdsistah: stupid stupid stupid...
poeticslam: mmmm hmmmm
poeticslam: A lesson nobody can make anybody learn
poeticslam: The true solution would have been to destroy those men
poeticslam: Systematically
lockdsistah: But I have learned that black women are easy ass followers, and not alot of them use the sense that the good lord gave them.
lockdsistah: but I must reevlatuate, because it goes deeper than that
poeticslam: It does
poeticslam: MUCH deeper
poeticslam: It's a victim's mentality
lockdsistah: A mentality that women place on their shoulders and wear like a fur coat
poeticslam: If you don't look at a victim as a victim, then you just call her stupid or destructive
lockdsistah: proudly, and for the world to see...
poeticslam: What we have now is the result of mass-misogyny AND racism... PLUS our own internal hatred of ourselves and our women
lockdsistah: it's a prepetual cycle of destruction.  Black women don't know which way is up anymore.
poeticslam: Yep
poeticslam: Nor do men
poeticslam: Men call you bitch and hoe.... and the response is "They can do it, so we can too"
lockdsistah: ass backwards is that?
poeticslam: Only if you see it as a victim's mentality can you sympathize
lockdsistah: I have a hard time with know that
poeticslam: Yeah.... I have been writing on that also
lockdsistah: on your own sypathy prollums, or mine?
lockdsistah: sympathy
poeticslam: No.... the need for sympathy. Even for what we can't understand
poeticslam: Those of us who aren't of a mentality tend to condemn those who aren't with us
lockdsistah: Oh, yeah...It is always seen as "it's their fault"...that's how I think.  I always say "Get your shit together, I got mine together, what the FUCK is stopping you from getting YOURS together"
poeticslam: We talked about this before
lockdsistah: yeas we have
poeticslam: And it's a big deal I think
lockdsistah: yes .it is...
poeticslam: You in your situation have been given more....
poeticslam: There are people with two parents.... free rides, etc
poeticslam: Who turn out to accomplish nothing
poeticslam: Miserable people
lockdsistah: I struggled and thank god for my struggle...people who don't know darkness cannot appreciate the light...
poeticslam: That is the MOST true
poeticslam: And how could you?
poeticslam: If you have never been hungry... how likely is it you will appreciate each meal?
lockdsistah: exactly
lockdsistah: HEy...did you know that trapped in the closet is supposed to be a 30 PART SERIES *passes out on the floor*
poeticslam: Hey... did you know Negroes are the most easily manipulated peoples since Nazi germans?
poeticslam: I've never heard the song....
poeticslam: Never seen the video
lockdsistah: you dont wanna
lockdsistah: dont wanna
lockdsistah: We need to post this convo on a blog

poeticslam: LockdSlam's thoughts
lockdsistah: mmmhmmmm  PoeticSistah
lockdsistah: or some such

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