Monday, September 25, 2006

"It's All About Having A Good Time"

Last night was such ridiculous fun it's.... well ridiculous.

I am thankful for my friends, thankful that the frickin coolest people in the world are accessible to me, are resources to me.

And if I can be arrogant for a minute... there's something about that look.


In the week leading up to Game Night, I got page comments, text messages, and verbal threats telling me what a beatdown I'm finna get in my own house.

I'm sitting down, trying to enjoy company in my house, and people are trying to roll up their sleeves, move my furniture, and verbally threaten me talking about how I'm finna lose.

Jabir and losing goes together like y'all and winning.

I'm saying, "Can't we just sit and talk and enjoy each other's company for awhile? Why y'all wanna run to get your collective butt's whooped?

"Cuz what's gonna happen, is we're gonna play the game, I'm going to destroy you, you're going to complain about me cheating, and then you are going to leave."

And what happens? Exactly what I say.

I lay down a "I Love The 80's" beatdown so fierce that the look came at me from all. It's a mixture of disbelief, shock, shame, awe, humiliation and force-fed humility.

I best equate it to getting physically assaulted by Bruce Lee. So he's kicking and punching and "Woooooooh!"ing and it HURTS, but you still are in amazement of his incredible style and form.

So yeah. I sent people out of my house on a whole 'nother note than the one they came in on.

The person walking into MY HOME talking the most hot garbage (Siraj) walked out talking the most.... but on another note.

"Aw man, if we was playing dominoes I'd win."
"Aw man, if we was playing 90's trivia I'd win."
"Aw man, if we was playing rock, paper, scissors I'd win."

We institute a NO CRYING rule and Siraj insists he's not crying because there are no actual tears present.

Regardless, I had a blast. And I think that everybody learned a lesson.

"Man, it's all about having a good time.. That's what it's all about. We just came to have fun."

(That's what losers say.)

I was really trying to be "in the moment" so I only taped a few moments of Gamers..... but what I did capture is priceless.

(don't mind the foolish camera hog)


As one phase of the party transitioned into another, I don't remember who said it, but I remember their words...

"You're only doing this once a month?
I wish it was once a week."

Yeah... Best Party Ever.

And movie night will be even better, insha Allah.

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